ant. FieldValues ??[ Правильний ]=true then. Tag:=1 else RadioButton5. Tag:=0;
. Caption:=inttostr (strtoint (Label2. Caption) +1) ;; ;
TForm3. Button1Click (Sender: TObject); i: integer;: TRadioButton;: string; ((RadioButton1. Checked=true) or
(RadioButton2. Checked=true) or
(RadioButton3. Checked=true) or
(RadioButton4. Checked=true) or
(RadioButton5. Checked=true)) then
i:=0 to GroupBox1. ControlCount - 1 do:=TRadioButton (GroupBox1. Controls [i]); RB. Checked=true then. Caption:=inttostr (strtoint (Label1. Caption) + RB. Tag) ;;
strtoint (Label2. Caption) lt; 30 then (strtoint (Label2. Caption)) ;. Checked:=false ;. Checked:=false ;. Checked:=false ;. Checked:=false ;. Checked:=false ;. Caption:= Тестування. Питання + inttostr (strtoint (Label2. Caption)) + з 30 raquo ;; elsestrtoint (Label1. Caption) gt; 26 then:= 5 elsestrtoint (Label1. Caption) gt; 21 then:= 4 elsestrtoint (Label1. Caption) gt; 17 then:= 3 else:= 2 raquo ;;
. show ;. Close ;. Caption:= 0 raquo ;;. Caption:= 0 raquo ;;. Checked:=false ;. Checked:=false ;. Checked:=false ;. Checked:=false ;. Checked:=false ;; else ( Ви не обрали варіант відповіді! Raquo;);
TForm3. Button2Click (Sender: TObject); i, kol: integer; form2. RadioButton1. Checked theni:=1 to DataModule3. Vopros. RecordCount do. Vopros. Edit ;. Vopros. FieldValues ??[ Номер ]:=i ;. Vopros. Post ;. Vopros. Next ;;. Vopros. Last;:=DataModule3. Vopros. FieldValues ??[ id ] ;;
form2. RadioButton2. Checked theni:=1 to DataModule7. Vopros. RecordCount do. Vopros. Edit ;. Vopros. FieldValues ??[ Номер ]:=i ;. Vopros. Post ;. Vopros. Next ;;. Vopros. Last;:=DataModule7. Vopros. FieldValues ??[ id ] ;;
form2. RadioButton3. Checked theni:=1 to DataModule8. Vopros. RecordCount do. Vopros. Edit ;. Vopros. FieldValues ??[ Номер ]:=i ;. Vopros. Post ;. Vopros. Next ;;. Vopros. Last;:=DataModule8. Vopros. FieldValues ??[ id ] ;;
form2. RadioButton4. Checked theni:=1 to DataModule9. Vopros. RecordCount do. Vopros. Edit ;. Vopros. FieldValues ??[ Номер ]:=i ;. Vopros. Post ;. Vopros. Next ;;. Vopros. Last;:=DataModule9. Vopros. FieldValues ??[ id ] ;;
form2. RadioButton5. Checked theni:=1 to DataModule10. Vopros. RecordCount do. Vopros. Edit ;. Vopros. FieldValues ??[ Номер ]:=i ;. Vopros. Post ;. Vopros. Next ;;. Vopros. Last;:=DataModule10. Vopros. FieldValues ??[ id ] ;;; (mass, kol); (mass); (strtoint (Label2. Caption));
Form2. Caption:= Тестування. Питання 1 з 30 raquo ;;
TForm3. FormShow (Sender: TObject); Form2. RadioButton1. Checked then. DataSource:=datamodule3. Vopros_DS; Form2. RadioButton2. Checked then. DataSource:=datamodule7. Vopros_DS; Form2. RadioButton3. Checked then. DataSource:=datamodule8. Vopros_DS; Form2. RadioButton4. Checked then. DataSource:=datamodule9. Vopros_DS; Form2. RadioButton5. Checked then. DataSource:=DataModule10. Vopros_DS;:=0;:=0 ;. Enabled:=true ;. Interval:=1000 ;;
TForm3. FormCreate (Sender: TObject);:=0;:=0 ;;
TForm3. Timer1Timer (Sender: TObject);:=Sec + 1; Sec=60 Then:=Min + 1;:=0 ;; Sec lt; 10 Then. Label5. Caption:= 0 + IntToStr (Sec). Label5. Caption:=IntToStr (Sec); Min lt; 10 Then. Label4. Caption:= 0 + IntToStr (Min). Label4. Caption:=IntToStr (Min) ;;
TForm3.N1Click (Sender: TObject) ;. show ;. Close ;;
unit Unit3;
, Classes, DB, ADODB;
=class (TDataModule): TADOConnection ;: TADOTable ;: TAutoIncField ;: TIntegerField ;: TWideStringField; _DS: TDataSource ;: TADOTable ;: TAutoIncField ;: TIntegerField ;: TWideStringField ;: TBooleanField; _DS: TDataSource ;
{Private declarations}
{Public declarations};
: TDataModule3;
, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms ,, StdCtrls, Buttons;
=class (TForm): TLabel ;: TLabel ;: TEdit ;: TEdit ;: TGroupBox ;: TRadioButton ;: TRadioButton ;: TRadioButton ;: TRadioButton ;: TRadioButton ;: TBitBtn; BitBtn1Click (Sender: TObject);
{Private declarations}
{Public decl...