justify"> Випав сніг, за снігом прийшов мороз. Ластівка мерзла, але не хотіла покинути Принца, бо дуже любила його. Тільки й вистачило сил у ластівки підійнятися на плече Принцу.
Swallow: Good-bye, Prince! Will you let kiss your hand ?: I am glad that you are going to Egypt at last, little Swallow! You have stayed too long here; but you must kiss me on the lips, for I love you .: It is not to Egypt that I am going. I am going to the House of Death.
Вона поцілувала принца і мертва впала до його ногам.6.
Мер міста виходить на сцену і підходить до статуї, оглядає її з усіх боків.
Mayor: Dear me! Is this the statue of the Happy Prince? How shabby he looks! His eyes are gone, he is not golden any more. He is little better than a beggar! He is not beautiful. He is ugly. Take him away. Oh! What`s this? Dead bird? Birds aren`t allowed to die here. Take it away .: Don`t worry, little Swallow, don`t worry, Happy Prince.don`t know what beauty is. You are the two precious things in the city. I shall take you to the sky, for in my garden you`ll be happy. You really deserve your happiness!
Всі актори виходять на сцену, кланяються.
Додаток 4.
Урок - свято William Shakespeare .
Завдання уроку:
пізнавальна: знайомство учнів з творчістю письменників країни досліджуваної мови;
розвиваюча: розвиток навичок акторської майстерності;
виховна: виховання художнього смаку у учнів; виховання міжособистісних відносин.
Хід уроку :: Good morning, dear friends! Today we are going to speak about the greatest English writer W. Shakespeare. Everyone, I think, has a favourite Shakespeare play in his memory: Othello, King, Lear, Romeo and Juliet. We don`t know a lot about Shakespeare`s biography, but today we are going to imagine some moments from his life. (Танцюють дівчини. Молодий Шекспір ??підходить до однієї з них) .: Excuse me, young lady! I don`t know your name. You danced so gracefully. You look like a tender flower!:Oh, no, sir. Please, don`t joke. I can`t talk to you.:Don`t be shy. What`s your name ?: My name is Anna, Anna Hathaway .: Your name is so sweet, so lovely. And I am William Shakespeare .: Ive heard that surname. Your father is a famous glovermaker, isn`t he ?: You are right. And what about your family ?: My parents are only farmers .: But my mother is a farmer`s daughter .: I`m sorry, but I must go. My father is very punctual. Good bye !: Good bye, my rose, I expect to meet you again.1: William married Anna in November, тисяча п'ятсот вісімдесят два, and she came to live in Henley street. William`s father was pleased that his eldest son got married; but William`s mother didn`t want him to marry so young: Will was only 18. The first daughter - Susannah - was born the next year. And in +1585 the twins - Hamnet and Judith - were born .: Twins! A girl and a boy! Anna, I`m pleased .: Quiet, Willy! You`ll frighten them.
(Стук у двері) .: Who`s that, I wonder ?: That`s one of your wild friends, I think .: I`ll open the door .: Good morning, Anna. How are you ?: We are happy. It`s two of them. Twins! A girl and a boy. We call them Hamnet and Judith .: Are you really happy ?: Yes and no. Stratford is too small, too quiet, too boring. I`ve got to leave it .: But how? You`ve got a family.1: In the summer months, companies of actors came to Stratford. William liked to talk to the actors and to listen to all the stories of London.2: But William didn`t like those plays. He said they were stupid plays, with not a word of truth in them. He wanted to write his own plays .: Anna, listen to me. I`m going to leave for London. I want to be actor, and to write plays .: Plays! Acting! Actors are dirty, wicked people. They never go to church .: Don`t be stupid. You know that`s not true .: How can you tell this to me? And what about the children ?: I`ll come home, when I can, but I must go to London. I can`t do anything in Stratford.1: In 1 587 Shakespeare went to work in London leaving Anne and the children at home.2: In London Shakespeare began to write plays and soon became an important member of a well-known acting company. life was very hard; but he was young, talented, romantic.3: The first tragedy that brought great popularity to Shakespeare was Romeo and Juliet. This tragedy was the first play that reflected the real feelings of love.4: The last part of our lesson is devoted to Shakespeare`s sonnets. Today we`d like to read and discuss only one sonnet, number 130 .: William Shakespeare describes his beloved woman in this sonnet. She is not beautiful. Can you imagine this woman? Was not perfect and beautiful, but Shakespeare loved her. ...