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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Курсовые обзорные » Role plays

Реферат Role plays


a foreign language is on the first place at the present stage of education development. Teaching a foreign language is a complex set of practical, educational and educational objectives. Training covers the different types of language material (vocabulary, grammar, phonetics), also the practical skills are being imparted, students develop language skills, their logical thinking, self-educated and creative activity Knowledge of a foreign language - gives the ability to use language in real life .. To know a language means to be able to to read and understand books without a dictionary (if not all kind, then, at least, special books), the ability to explain your ideas, the ability to understand foreign speech, the ability to translate a text from the native language to a foreign one, finally, the ability to write a small text in a foreign language.

One of the most effective means that helps to understand a language linguistic material and forming a skill of verbal communication and treatment, is a role game. Games that are offered to the students, must have not only communicative point, but a professional orientation. у тебе рольова гра

Games are interesting also because they take a specific time, and allow students to be engaged in the learning process, or to switch attention to studied material (depending on whether the game is being conducted in the beginning, middle or end of the lesson).

The use of games in the learning process stimulates verbal communication, promotes the formation of motivation and interest in learning a foreign language. Also a game is one of the most effective methods of implementing the principle of communicative language teaching. An important factor for a game is to take into consideration the age of students and their social experience, Thus, conducting a lesson game requires a great deal of preparatory work, which should provide not only the participance of individual students, but also of the whole group.

Thus, the relevance of issues raised due to the influence of games on the minds of today's learners. The goals of our course paper are:

) to study and analyze the literature on the subject;

) to characterize the current state of play activities in the classroom;

) to reveal the concept of gaming technology;

) to investigate the organization of a gaming lessons;

) to develop a set of educational games;

) to verify the results obtained in practice by creating a series of lessons using games;

) to compile and analyze the results of the study;

Problem and relevance of the topic help to formulate the objectives of the study: analyze the games, prove their effec...

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