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Реферат Ballad: origin and development

bility accompany in the ballad from the beginning till the end. Though the generalizing reflection of the author sometimes acts as the conclusion in some ballads, in the majority authors don t impose to the reader ready conclusions, leaving it alone with themselves, giving the chance to draw own conclusions. Thus, graphic and narrative ballads of lyrical character in general keep traditional quality of a ballad genre - a statement fragmentariness when the narration loses the smoothness and dimension. The fragmentariness plays large role in strengthening of a drama element of a narration. Each of poets romantics emphasizes dramatic nature in own way: Coleridge - through mystery, unreality and mysticism, Wordsworth - through dramatic nature of a plot and simplicity of language, Scott - through the most exact stylization under an ancient folk song with use of the archaized lexicon, a dialect of the northern regions of England and Scotland, characteristic for a ballad genre of epithets.it was already told, romantics paid much attention to the description of an inner world of the heroes, their sincere experiences. Actions and events in ballads are as if aimed at detection of spiritual qualities of heroes. Therefore to give to the poems of bigger emotionality and expressivity authors use a dialogical form of a narration, simplicity of language and ballad equipment, archaic turns of national poetry, numerous repetitions - all these stylistic receptions strengthen a dramatic tension of feelings of the reader. In popularity of ballads their size played not the last role. This size originating in syllabic - tonic versification of folk songs and changed by Coleridge in his Kristabeli raquo ;, was a suitable form for the romantic poem which strongly depended on character of its plot. To avoid monotony rhythmic inversion therefore there were short lines which created pauses was entered into ballads, but the melodic of ballads did not suffer from it at all. It is impossible to read ballads of romantics, without having noticed easy musicality almost all of them poemsanged in works of poets romantics, stylistics, images, motives, plots of both the national, and literary ballad became the general property of English poetry. The Ballad form became means of an embodiment of new feelings and ideas, processing of new material in works of English poets of the XIX-XX centuries

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