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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Статьи » Study aspects of the impact of modern media on the British

Реферат Study aspects of the impact of modern media on the British

t Mass Media. We ll improve our speaking abilities on the topics British and Russian TV and Radio raquo ;, Newspapers raquo ;, The Role of Mass Media in people s life .Good morning, teacher! I m fine, thank you, and you? Today is 22d of February. Yes.II Phonetic workRepeat after me: Newspaper Magazine Radio Television Internet article issue review headline interview commercial Newspaper Magazine Radio Television Internet article issue review headline interview commercialIII. Speech workModern life isn t impossible without information. Is that true? 1. How do you get information? 2. What is Mass Media? 3. What is Mass Media associated with? Thus, we can learn about the world by watching TV, listening to the radio, by reading newspapers or magazines. Which way do you like most? Why? Tell us about your likes and dislikes.Yes, it s true. Modern life. Isn t impossible without information. 1. We get information at school, by watching TV, listening to the radio, reading newspapers, from Internet. 2. Mass Media is the way of giving and getting ... 3. Mass Media is associated with The TV raquo ;, The Press raquo ;, The Radio raquo ;, The Internet IV. Briefing The British and Russian TV Television is definite by the most popular way of getting information. It attracts the attention of millions of people every day. Of course, we want to know more about TV. Imagine that you are journalists. You are at the briefing at the International information Agency. You are going to write an article about the British and Russian televisions. Interviewing will help you to do it. seeing picture 5 Thank you.Questions: P1. How many channels do the British TV sets have? What does BBC consist of? P2. What programmes do the BBC - 1 and BBC - 2 offer to the viewers? P3 Can TV viewers in Britain watch TV from European countries? P5. What does Russian TV consist of nowadays? P6. What programmes does channel I offer to TV viewer? P7. What is the most popular channel among TV viewers? Why? V. How much you know about British and Russian TV? British and Russian TV offer a lot of programmes in different subjects. What is your favorite one? What programme world you advise me to watch? Monologues My favorite programme - Spontaneous speakingVI. The Press The Press is another popular way of getting information. Let s read the article about the British newspapers and say: seeing picture 6 What s difference between the serious and the popular newspapers laquo ;? Classify them. Discuss the articles from the newspapers What does the author say Now, let s sum it up. What s the role of Mass Media in people s life? Speaking about the difference between the types of newspapers. Monologues The author says, that ... MonologuesVII. ConclusionSo, we ve learned that Mass Media help us to learn more about the world around, to become more intelligent. I should say, that obtain information, obtain the world .VIII. Home taskA composition The Role of Mass Media in my life raquo ;. Putting the mark.

Lesson 2: 8: Broadsheets and tabloids Topic: Mass Media raquo ;: Development monologic speech :: learn to speak on the topic at the level of sentences, explain the difference between the laquo ; Broadsheets and tabloids .: to continue developing skills of dialogic, monologic speech, read with the search for specific information, to develop students 'skills to give a comparative description .: raise interest in English language and culture of its speakers.

Contents Methodological instruments Results1. Organizing stage: organizing the class explanation of purpose and lesson structure 2. Phonetic work 3. Learning a new material: reading academic texts in order to find specific information 4. Fixing of knowledge Methods: verbal and visual-practical Research Tools: supporting the scheme texts newspapers magazines Forms: collective group 1. Express their views about the media, discuss, explore the meaning and role of media in people's lives 2. Learning new information of the lesson:

. Organizing moment (explanation of the purpose and structure of lesson). 2. Phonetic and speech work. 2.1) On the blackboard are English words from the first lesson on the topic. Students must give their Russian translation.

mass mediaсредства масової інформацііa source of informationісточнік інформацііreliableнадежнийquotation marksкавичкіto make a referenceделать ссилкуplagiarismплагіатtoughтрудний (про ситуацію) to be availableбить в налічііIn timeвовремяto borrow smth from smbодолжіть що-небудь у кого-лібоTo lend smth to smbОдолжіть що-небудь кому-або

. Getting with new words in the form of listening. Use a cassette/CD to the textbook. Students repeat the words of the speaker, on the blackboard presented their visual appearance with transcriptio...

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