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Реферат Запозичення в текстах англомовному журналів та газет

ня в ЗМІ Використовують очень широко. На страницах газети найчастіше зустрічаються іншомовні слова, Які колись ставили до певної сфери, - фінансово-економічної, Суспільно-Політичній, військовій. У публікаціях, Присвячений зарубіжнім реаліям, нерідко трапляються варваризми: назви вулиць, будь-якіх закладів ТОЩО; смородудопомагають создать місцевий колорит. Зустрічаються и Такі запозичення, Які в тексті вжіті для того, щоб посіліті его експресивності-емоційне забарвлення. Так, іншомовне слово может надаваті тексту інтертекстуальність, комічність, приховуватися Справжній Зміст фрази, входити до складу художніх ЗАСОБІВ (например, метафор). Альо слід пам'ятати, что при вжіванні подобной лексики для Посилення емоційного забарвлення и Надання тексту певної художності и барвістості raquo ;, журналіст винен володіті Певної досвідом. Невміле использование запозичення співуче буде НЕ КРАЩА чином впліваті на текст, крім того, читач может просто не зрозуміті, что автор МАВ на увазі.

The project s origin and the author s provenance were soon disclosed by liberal websites, which these days are looking more and more like a kind of cyber samizdat. The textbook's editor, Alexandr Filippov, who is listed as the sole author on the cover, is a deputy director of the National Laboratory of Foreign Policy, which, in his own words, assists the state organs, including the presidential administration, in the development and implementation of foreign policy decisions.

The author of one of the chapters turned out to be Pavel Danilin, the editorin-chief of the Kremlin website and deputy director of the Effective Politics Foundation, which is headed by the top Kremlin propagandist Gleb Pavlovsky. Danilin - who is also affiliated with the Young Guard of the United Russia, the Komsomol-like helper of the United Russia ruling party - was quoted as saying that our goal is to make the first textbook in which Russian history will look not as a depressing sequence of misfortunes and mistakes but as something to instill pride in one's country. It is in precisely this way that teachers must teach history and not smear the Motherland with mud. Raquo; Addressing on his blog teachers and scholars who might be less than enthusiastic about such an approach, Danilin, who is thirty years old and is not known to have ever taught anything, wrote:

You may ooze bile but you will teach the children by those books that you will be given and in the way that is needed by Russia. And as to the noble nonsense that you carry in your misshapen goateed heads, either it will be ventilated out of them or you yourself will be ventilated out of teaching .... It is impossible to let some Russophobe shit-stinker (govnyuk), or just any amoral type, teach Russian history. It is necessary to clear the filth, and if it does not work, then clear it by force ...

In fact, the clearest expression of the Kremlin s goodwill toward the textbook came two months earlier, with an invitation to the conference participants to visit President Putin at his residence in Novo-Ogaryovo, outside Moscow. In a long introduction to the discussion that ensued, Putin complained that there was mishmash (kasha) in the heads of teachers of history and social sciences, and that this dire situation in the teaching of Russian history needed to be corrected by the introduction of common standards. (Four days later, a new law, introduced in the Duma and passed with record speed in eleven days, authorized the ministry of education and science to determine which textbooks be recommended for school use and to determine which publishers would print them. ) 1988, the Marxist historian and Soviet dissident Roy Medvedev attempted to add up the number of those repressed (that is, arrested) prior to 1937. His estimate was seventeen million to eighteen million people, of which no less than ten million perished. Oleg Khlevnyuk s definitive study of the OGPU-NKVD-KGB archives, in The History of Gulag: From Collectivization to the Great Terror, puts the number of people convicted between +1930 and +1936 at twelve million (or one-eighth of the adult population of the Soviet Union, based on the January один тисяча дев'ятсот тридцять сім census). This is far more than the estimated 8.6 million that were convicted in the Great Terror and its aftermath in 1937-1940. Medvedev could have added that the first special designation (osobogo naznacheniya) extermination camp was set up on the Solovki Islands in the White Sea in 1923. One of the methods of execution there was to tie the doomed victims to a log and push it down a long and steep staircase. Half a minute later, witnesses remembered, a shapeless bloody mass reached the foot of the steps.the collectivization of 1929-1932, an estimated one million peasant households were herded into boxcars, driven f...

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