He hated him through some curious race-instinct for which he could not account . (79)
5) They didn't realise that we live in an age when unnecessary things are our only necessities. (109)
6) A bee buzzed round the blue-dragon bowl that stood before him . (110)
7) Suddenly his eye fell on the screen that he had placed in front of the portrait . (110)
8) Men draw cheques on a bank where they have no account . (117)
9) The passion is ever really shown in the work one creates . (134)
10) It had been mad of him to have allowed the thing to remain in a room to which any of his friends had access. (136)
Також можна розглянути іншу класифікацію лімітують пропозицій. Вони можуть бути поділені на два види: уточнююче і классіфіцірущій.
2.1.1. Лімітуючі пропозиції уточнюючого виду :
1) You have had passions that have made you afraid , thoughts that have filled you with terror. (26)
2) And now and then the fantastic shadows of birds in flight flitted across the iohg tussoe-silk curtains that were stretched in front of the huge window , producing a kind of momentary Japanese effect. (7)
3) She could have married anybody she chose . (43)
4) He never means anything that he says . (48). Придаткових частина " that he says" заповнює і уточнює визначається слово "a nything ". Часто здається, що зв'язки which і that є рівноправними, проте в даному випадку that більше переважний, оскільки визначальним словом є невизначений займенник.
5) She was extremely annoyed at the tone he had adopted with her . (77)
6) This young dandy who was making love to her could mean her no good. (79)
7) You are like one of the heroes of those melodramas mother used to be so fond of acting in . (8)
8) I represent to you all the sins you have never had the courage to commit . (94)
9) You will see the girl to whom I am going to give all my life . (96)
10) How different Sibyl Vane must have been from all the women one meets . (119) Придаткові частина " one meets " уточнює визначається слово. Союзна зв'язка опущена. br/>
2.1.2. Лімітуючі пропозиції класифікуючого виду :
1) Suddenly there had come someone across his life who seemed to have disclosed to him life's mystery. (29)
2) Like all people who try to exhaust a subject , he exhausted his listeners. (48)
3) A grande passion is the privilege of people who have nothing to do . (60)
4) I have not got one who is a fool . (15)
5) Lord Henry elevated his eyebrows, and looked at him in amazement through the thin blue wreaths of smoke that curled up in such fanciful whorls from his heavy opium-tainted cigarette . (8)
6) You are not listening to a word I am saying, Jim. (79)
7) I might mimic a passion that I don't feel . (100)
8) Would there ever be someone who would fill him with a strange idolatry ? (134)
9) I don't agree with a single word that you have said . (16)
10) A man who is a master of himself can end a sorrow as easily as he can invent a pleasure. (126)
2.2. Пропозиції аппозитивную типу . Означальні підрядні пропозиції аппозітіного типу розкривають, уточнюють семантичне значення визначається слова. І в зв'язку з тим, яким саме членом пропозиції є це визначається слово, всі аппозитивную пропозиції можна розділити на чотири категорії:
а) уточнюючі підмет:
1) The reason we all like to think so well of others is that we are all afraid for ourselves. (88) Придаткові частина аппозитивную типу " we all like to think so well of others "уточнює підлягає" the reason ", яке виражене обчислюються абстрактним іменником.
2) Suddenly something happened that made me afraid . (116)
3) All I ask of you is to perform a certain scientific experiment. (194)
4) There was something that quickened his imagination . (161)
4) There was nothing that one could not do with him . (45) У цьому романі є велика кількість придаткових Предожения аппозитивную типу, де визначаються словом є невизначений займенник.
5) There is nothing in the whole world I would not give . (34)
6) There was something in the purity of his face that rebuked him . (148)
7) There was something in its expression that filled him with disgust and loat hing. (178)
9) There is no reason why she should not contract an alliance wit...