Теми рефератів
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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Новые рефераты » Procedure of preparation business-plan

Реферат Procedure of preparation business-plan

Distribution Channel - the path your product follows to be delivered to the end user. This may be through distributors, retail outlets, self service outlets, vending machines, telephone sales, direct mail sales, etc.

Equity - a percentage ownership of an enterprise, usually in the form of stock.

Fashion Goods - goods where style is important and price is secondary. These products could include clothing, jewelry, furniture, draperies, and dishes, but can sometimes be stretched into other areas such as umbrellas, walking canes, cigarette holders, etc.

Fixed Assets - (sometimes called long term assets) these are usually non-liquid assets that are integral to the enterprise's day-to- day business operations such as plants, equipment, furniture and real estate.

Fixed Costs - the day-to-day cost of doing business that is pre-committed, such as salaries, insurance, lease expenses , utilities, etc.

Full Service Retail Sales Method - selling from a sales outlet directly to the end user at retail prices with sales personnel who can explain the purpose and value of the product or service.

Gross Profit - revenues less cost of sales.

Impersonal Service at Customer's Site - this service usually involves working with the customer's property and seldom deals with factors that the customer deems confidential. Examples of this type of service would be: lawn service, typewriter repair, office cleaning, trucking service, etc.

Impersonal Service at Servicer's Site - this service usually involves working with the customer's property and seldom deals with factors that the customer deems confidential. The service is traditionally provided at the servicer's enterprise. Examples of this type of service would be: auto mechanic, TV repair, etc.

Impersonal Service, Volume - this type of service is usually designed such that the same service will satisfy the needs of all customers. It is often the case that the servicer and the customer never meet. Examples of this type of service would be: classified ads, storage lockers, money changers, etc.

Income Statement - (sometimes called Profit & Loss statement) a statement of revenues and expenses.

Installation Goods - products requir...

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