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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Курсовые обзорные » Utilization of dairy industry wastes

Реферат Utilization of dairy industry wastes

ch cases related parameters should also be measured: precipitation not only results in a reduction of BOD, SS, etc., But also increases the amount of solid waste [44]. br/>

9. Waste reduction

There are several ways to reduce the waste load:

prevention of the production of waste;

development of new clean processing methods;

treatment of waste ( end-of-pipe treatment ). this study possibilities for waste prevention and end of pipe treatment have been treated. No attention has been given to the development of clean processing methods as these entail specific fundamental technical and economical knowledge.a reduction of environmental problems that occur because of discharge of waste, improved housekeeping practises and management practices are of more importance than end-of- pipe waste treatment. Good house-keeping practices are not easy to describe, but it is clear that, as the amount of water used is major factor in all industries (if more water is used, total wastewater production per unit of product processed may increase manifold) proper water management is one of the first aspects deserving attention. A reduction of water consumption without decreasing hygienic standards, is often possible. This reduction may be reached by good-house keeping practices, but also by the introduction of new technics such as dry cleaning prior to washing [27]., Environmental problems may also be reduced by converting as much waste as possible into a solid product instead of washing the waste away into the wastewater. In general solid waste is fairly easy to control, requires less energy and is cheaper than wastewater treatment.tanneries, it is of prime importance to prevent chromium from polluting wastewater. Precipitation of chromium is an easy process. Solid waste containing chromium should be dumped in special dumping grounds where facilities should be available to minimize the amount of percolation water. Precipitation also results in large reductions of SS and BOD emissions [6]. Slaughterhouses, blood and paunch contribute enormously to the wastewater load. These and other solid by-products should be prevented being washed away. By-products can be used for several purposes and unusable solid waste can be easily handled properly, eg via composting. This process and more sophisticated processes for by-product handling may even result in valuable products.the high BOD-load in the wastewater of tanneries, dairies and slaughterhouses, anaerobic systems would seem to be the most suitable wastewater purification systems. Simple anaerobic systems reach 50% BOD-purification, while high-rate anaerobic systems may achieve a 90% BOD-purification rate [11]. A few developed countries, environmental problems have led to the formulation of high quality standards for di...

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