gn="justify"> sportsground , stomachache , monument , or it may be difficult for a child to understand and memorize the difference between snub, straight, large noses.unit begins with a short list of new words. For example, exercise 8 of Unit 4 ( Family ) presents five words together with sample sentences. The plural form of the words and their transcription is given. There is, however, no translation of the words in mother tongue. A more complete list of words is given at the end of the Unit. The latter doesn t give the translation or the usage patterns of the words. The word-list should not be presented at the end of the Unit. Besides, it should be as clear as possible to make vocabulary learning an easy task for the children. Another shortcoming of the unit is that there are no games and special activities for the assimilation of the new vocabulary.are different recognition and drill exercises such as True or false < span align = "justify">, Complete the sentences according to the example , Make up sentences, dialogues according to the example , etc. This will help children to retain the vocabulary learnt. However, drill exercises are of little help when not combined with creative exercises and activities (role play, crossword puzzles, etc.) It is due to creative exercises that children develop their speaking and writing skills, use the vocabulary they learn to communicate and express their own ideas or to solve problems. So it would be good to add this kind of exercises to each unit.
Speaking skills
There are interactive and task-based activities that require students to use the new vocabulary to communicate. Speaking practice takes place through the practice of new language items, in dialogue work and class activities. This develops both their speaking and social skills and can be considered as one of the obvious pluses of the textbook. The more mechanical aspects of speaking are also occasionally covered in pronunciation practice. p align="justify"> Listening skills textbook does not provide children with exercises for developing listening skills. This means that children do not have the opportunity to listen to native speech. No CD, cassettes, videos are offered with the textbook to help children to discriminate sounds, stress, melody and to acquire correct language habits.
Reading skills
The instructions in the textbook tell students to read for comprehensio...