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Реферат Teaching Vocabulary at the Initial Stage of Instruction

n and to express their own opinion concerning the text. The exercises promote critical reading of the text. The only serious shortcoming is that the instructions are in English and the child can have difficulties in understanding them. p align="justify"> Writing skills are two approaches to writing skills: a product-oriented approach and a process-oriented approach. The product-oriented approach typically engages learners in imitating, copying and transforming models of correct language texts while the process-oriented approach emphasizes brainstorming, planning, drafting, revision, and editing. Product writing focuses on sentence structure and grammar, while process writing demands more creative work. The activities and exercises presented in the textbook incorporate both approaches. The children should write compositions, letters, short stories using the new vocabulary. Other writing exercises include asking questions to the text, making up questions and answering them, etc.textbook develops children s basic communication abilities in English by teaching children to talk (write) about themselves and their immediate environments, and to communicate about topics of interest with a partner.textbook differs from other ones that it offers a number of tales and stories which can be given as home-reading or read in the classroom by the teacher. These are authentic pieces of literature. Besides, stories and tales are always appealing to children and can make English an attractive school subject to children, foster their motivation, and encourage them to learn languages ​​in the future.


in non-English environments generally want to learn as they enjoy the process of learning English for its own sake. Hence we can say that motivation plays a crucial role in foreign language learning. Teachers of EFL should create motivating conditions for learning. They need to maintain their learners motivation by offering stimulating activities and fostering self-esteem, self-confidence, and co-operation among learners. Finally, motivating teachers take care to turn evaluation and feedback into positive experiences. Only due to good motivation is it possible to realize the main aim of foreign language teaching: developing children s basic communication abilities in English.pick up new words at an amazing pace in both their first and second language. Vocabulary learning around a topic can begin from the learners rather than from the book, by asking them directly what words they already know and what words they would like to learn about the topic. The presentation of the vocabulary should be as varied as possible because children are interested in the meaning and function of the new language more holistically, in order to play a game, sing a song, or a...

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