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Реферат English dialects

ansfer certain mood of the speaker, to give a concrete utterance, liveliness, expressiveness, precision, and, to avoid cliches. This is achieved, according to researchers, the use of such stylistic means as a metaphor (as Chesterton: "All slang is metaphor"), metonymy, synecdoche, litotes, euphemism.and literary standard (exemplary, normalized language, rules which are perceived as "right" and generally binding and which is opposed to dialects and colloquialisms) is inextricably linked not only because it appears dialect based on the standard, but also because, as a rule, locale is formed on the basis of dialect speech. Literary standard of English is no exception: in the 15th century. Britain abounded presence of many different dialects, to the extent that, as the inflow of population from the countryside to the city, these dialects are more and more confused and as a result formed locale (can you say that, initially, it was a form of London south-eastern dialect). Over time, this language was improved and was recognized as the language that is spoken by the educated part of the population.it would be wrong to assume that the standard - is recorded form of pronunciation, which is not subject to change. The natural evolution of the language, as well as various extra linguistic factors lead to change and literary standard (but the process of change is very slow). Certain rules of language out of use and replaced by new ones because of the disappearance of one reality and the appearance of others.degree of deviation from the standard dialect speech standard is determined by several factors: the history and development of dialect, socio-economic structure of society, etc. In many cases, you can find the dialect speech language rules that are already out of use in the locale. br/>

2.2 Comparison of British dialects

Cockney is probably the second most famous British accent. It originated in the East End of London, but shares many features with and influences other dialects in that region. p align="justify"> Features:

В· Raised vowel in words like trap and cat so these sounds like "trep" and "cet."

В· Non-rhoticity: see explanation above under Received Pronunciation, above.

В· Trap-bath split: see explanation above under Received Pronunciation.

· London vowel shift: The vowel sounds are shifted around so that Cockney "day" sounds is pronounced IPA dæ ? (Close to American "die") and Cockney buy verges near IPA b?? (Close to American "boy").

В· Glottal Stopping: the letter t is pronounced with the back of the throat (glottis) in between vowels...

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