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Реферат English dialects

y". Have in mind, for example, such speed, used in Ireland as: It's sorry you will be instead of "You will be sorry" or paraphrases like "I do love" instead of "I love", used in the south -western counties, piling negatives in a phrase, etc.already mentioned abo ve, the dialect - is a territorial or social dialect (language variants, used by one or another social group, or a group of people). dialects include a number of functionally and structurally different phenomena:

. Professional dialects - kind of social dialect, uniting people of one profession or one occupation. Slang (slang), dialects, consisting of more or less randomly chosen, modify and combine the elements of one or more natural languages ​​and used (usually in oral communication) a particular social group to linguistic isolation, separation from the rest of the language community , sometimes as secret languages.may be noted such varieties of English slang, as :) the "reverse slang": for example, yob instead boy ;) "central Slang": for example, ilkem instead of milk ;) " rhyming slang ": for example, artful dodger instead lodger ;) the so-called" medical Greek ": for example, douse-hog instead of house-dog.these types of slang are used to make language of a certain social group unclear for the uninitiated. With jargon is not specific distortion of existing words in the language, but also the numerous borrowings, the appearance of which is often modified so that they do not differ from the remaining words of the language.specialized nature of the jargon can be illustrated on the material of the vocabulary typical of various educational institutions: beyond the institutions specified vocabulary either not used or used in a different sense. For example, at Eton, the following jargon: scug "scrub", "scoundrel", tug "college student", in Westminster School: bag "milk", beggar "sugar", in Winchester College: to go continent "stay home", tug "tasteless", stale "normal, simple".

As rightly pointed out by Professor RA Budagov, "public nature of language determines not only the conditions of his existence, but all of its features, especially its vocabulary and phraseology, grammar and style". [2; 210]

. A special position among the social dialects of English is so-called slang. Under this concept is often summed up the most diverse phenomena of lexical and stylistic plan. Leading researcher English slang E. Partridge and his followers define slang as prevalent in the field of spoken very fragile, unstable, not codified, and often does erratic and random set of tokens that reflect social consciousness of people belonging to a particular social or professional environment. Slang is seen as a conscious, deliberate use of elements of common-literary vocabulary in spoken language in a purely stylistic purposes: to create the effect of novelty, unusual, different from the approved model, to tr...

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