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Реферат Обробка металів лещатах

balt, platinum and uranium, gold and silver lie. In the Appalachians fields of asbestos, coal, non-ferrous and precious metals are located. The Cordilleras are famous for fields of non-ferrous and precious metals. The mining industry plays huge role in export, provides with raw materials, manufacturing industry and country power, promotes economic development of all areas. Most of the large factory is located in the South of the Centre - Sudbury, Sullivan, Noranda, Flin Flon, although the important role played and the Northern mines. Coal deposits are located mainly in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains, in the provinces of Alberta and in the Appalachian mountains, in the maritime provinces. Iron ores are deposited in the Lake Superior area, Labrador peninsula and the Cordilleras. Rich deposits of asbestos are found in the provinces of Quebec and British Colombia.

. secondary sector manufacturing industry of human economic activity. The structure and placement of the manufacturing industry. The manufacturing industry is characterized by high concentration of production and capital, labour productivity, however, in line with other developed countries, particularly the United States. In the structure of manufacturing industry play a major role, directly related to the highly developed mining industries as well as agriculture and forestry.

. Industry

a third of gross domestic product, over a quarter is the share of the industry occupied in economy and a third of cost of export of Canada. This sphere of economy is characterized by a high technological level, diversified structure at an important role of raw productions. In the country are very developed power and the mining industry, nonferrous metallurgy and a number of the power-intensive branches processing raw materials for export. Manufacturing industry lags behind the mining a little. Among manufacturing industry branches except mechanical engineering the role of the timber and paper and food industry is especially great. Canada has the high rate of industrialization estimated as the relation of a share of the country in industrial production to its share in a world «s population .. Fuel and energy complex of Canada - one of the most developed in the world. In consumption of primary power sources about the two third it is the share of liquid and gaseous fuel, the one tenth of coal and the one fourth of hydraulic power. On electricity generation Canada takes the fifth place in the world, and on its development per capita it is on the second place after Norway. Hydroelectric power stations give the most part of the electric power. Among them such powerful hydrostations, as the cascade on the rivers La Grand, Cherchill Fallz. Large thermal power plants are constructed near Toronto and Vancouver. Eighteen percent of the electric power make the nuclear power plants located in the Provinces of Ontario, Quebec and New Brunswick. Less than thirty percent of production and the number are the share of mechanical engineering, taken in manufacturing industry that below, than in other developed countries. The main branch - transport mechanical engineering in which the American capital dominates, takes place in the southern part of the Province of Ontario. Also agricultural mechanical engineering, production of the power power equipment, the equipment for the mining and forest industry is...

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