EducationGuide_h 1
//## begin module% 4B31B5A800B5.additionalIncludes preserve=no
//## end module% 4B31B5A800B5.additionalIncludes
//## begin module% 4B31B5A800B5.includes preserve=yes
//## end module% 4B31B5A800B5.includes
//## begin module% 4B31B5A800B5.declarations preserve=no
//## end module% 4B31B5A800B5.declarations
//## begin module% 4B31B5A800B5.additionalDeclarations preserve=yes
//## end module% 4B31B5A800B5.additionalDeclarations
//## begin EducationGuide% 4B31A48A02E0.preface preserve=yes
//## end EducationGuide% 4B31A48A02E0.preface
//## Class: EducationGuide% 4B31A48A02E0
//## Category: Entities% 4B31B26B000A
//## Subsystem: Сервер% 4B31B4D100D5
//## Persistence: Transient
//## Cardinality/Multiplicity: nEducationGuide
//## begin EducationGuide% 4B31A48A02E0.initialDeclarations preserve=yes
//## end EducationGuide% 4B31A48A02E0.initialDeclarations:
//## Constructors (generated) (); (const EducationGuide amp; right);
//## Destructor (generated)
~ EducationGuide ();
//## Assignment Operation (generated) amp; operator=(const EducationGuide amp; right);
//## Equality Operations (generated) operator == (const EducationGuide amp; right) const; operator!=(const EducationGuide amp; right) const;
//## Other Operations (specified)
//## Operation: GetEducationsIds% 4B31A69B0345array GetEducationsIds (String array Education);
//Additional Public Declarations
//## begin EducationGuide% 4B31A48A02E0.public preserve=yes
//## end EducationGuide% 4B31A48A02E0.public:
//Additional Protected Declarations
//## begin EducationGuide% 4B31A48A02E0.protected preserve=yes
//## end EducationGuide% 4B31A48A02E0.protected:
//## Get and Set Operations for Class Attributes (generated)
//## Attribute: Id% 4B31B0BE016DInteger get_Id () const; set_Id (Integer value);
//## Attribute: Name% 4B31B0C50153String get_Name () const; set_Name (String value);
//Additional Private Declarations
//## begin EducationGuide% 4B31A48A02E0.private preserve=yes
//## end EducationGuide% 4B31A48A02E0.private://## implementation
//Data Members for Class Attributes
//## begin EducationGuide :: Id% 4B31B0BE016Dtr preserve=no private: Integer {U} Id;
//## end EducationGuide :: Id% 4B31B0BE016Dtr
//## begin EducationGuide :: Name% 4B31B0C50153tr preserve=no private: String {U} Name;
//## end EducationGuide :: Name% 4B31B0C50153tr
//Additional Implementation Declarations
//## begin EducationGuide% 4B31A48A02E0.implementation preserve=yes
//## end EducationGuide% 4B31A48A02E0.implementation
//## begin EducationGuide% 4B31A48A02E0.postscript preserve=yes
//## end EducationGuide% 4B31A48A02E0.postscript
//Class EducationGuide
//## Get and Set Operations for Class Attributes (inline) const Integer EducationGuide :: get_Id () const
//## begin EducationGuide :: get_Id% 4B31B0BE016D.get preserve=noId;
//## end EducationGuide :: get_Id% 4B31B0BE016D.get
} void EducationGuide :: set_Id (Integer value)
//## begin EducationGuide :: set_Id% 4B31B0BE016D.set preserve=no=value;
//## end EducationGuide :: set_Id% 4B31B0BE016D.set
} const String EducationGuide :: get_Name () const
//## begin EducationGuide :: get_Name% 4B31B0C50153.get preserve=noName;
//## end EducationGuide :: get_Name% 4B31B0C50153.get
} void EducationGuide :: set_Name (String value)
//## begin EducationGuide :: set_Name% 4B31B0C50153.set preserve=no=value;
//## end EducationGuide :: ...