set_Name% 4B31B0C50153.set
//## begin module% 4B31B5A800B5.epilog preserve=yes
//## end module% 4B31B5A800B5.epilog
# endif
//## begin module% 1.7% .codegen_version preserve=yes
//Read the documentation to learn more about C ++ code generator
//## end module% 1.7% .codegen_version
//## begin module% preserve=no
//% X%% Q%% Z%% W%
//## end module%
//## begin module% 4B31B5C10186.cp preserve=no
//## end module% 4B31B5C10186.cp
//## Module: FounderGuard% 4B31B5C10186; Package body
//## Subsystem: Сервер% 4B31B4D100D5
//## Source file: D: Сервер FounderGuard.cpp
//## begin module% 4B31B5C10186.additionalIncludes preserve=no
//## end module% 4B31B5C10186.additionalIncludes
//## begin module% 4B31B5C10186.includes preserve=yes
//## end module% 4B31B5C10186.includes
# include Сервер FounderGuard.h
//## begin module% 4B31B5C10186.declarations preserve=no
//## end module% 4B31B5C10186.declarations
//## begin module% 4B31B5C10186.additionalDeclarations preserve=yes
//## end module% 4B31B5C10186.additionalDeclarations
//Class FounderGuard :: FounderGuard ()
//## begin FounderGuard :: FounderGuard% 4B31AF2301FC_const.hasinit preserve=no
//## end FounderGuard :: FounderGuard% 4B31AF2301FC_const.hasinit
//## begin FounderGuard :: FounderGuard% 4B31AF2301FC_const.initialization preserve=yes
//## end FounderGuard :: FounderGuard% 4B31AF2301FC_const.initialization
//## begin FounderGuard :: FounderGuard% 4B31AF2301FC_const.body preserve=yes
//## end FounderGuard :: FounderGuard% 4B31AF2301FC_const.body
} :: FounderGuard (const FounderGuard amp; right)
//## begin FounderGuard :: FounderGuard% 4B31AF2301FC_copy.hasinit preserve=no
//## end FounderGuard :: FounderGuard% 4B31AF2301FC_copy.hasinit
//## begin FounderGuard :: FounderGuard% 4B31AF2301FC_copy.initialization preserve=yes
//## end FounderGuard :: FounderGuard% 4B31AF2301FC_copy.initialization
//## begin FounderGuard :: FounderGuard% 4B31AF2301FC_copy.body preserve=yes
//## end FounderGuard :: FounderGuard% 4B31AF2301FC_copy.body
} :: ~ FounderGuard ()
//## begin FounderGuard :: ~ FounderGuard% 4B31AF2301FC_dest.body preserve=yes
//## end FounderGuard :: ~ FounderGuard% 4B31AF2301FC_dest.body
} amp; FounderGuard :: operator=(const FounderGuard amp; right)
//## begin FounderGuard :: operator =% 4B31AF2301FC_assign.body preserve=yes
//## end FounderGuard :: operator =% 4B31AF2301FC_assign.body
} FounderGuard :: operator == (const FounderGuard amp; right) const
//## begin FounderGuard :: operator ==% 4B31AF2301FC_eq.body preserve=yes
//## end FounderGuard :: operator ==% 4B31AF2301FC_eq.body
} FounderGuard :: operator!=(const FounderGuard amp; right) const
//## begin FounderGuard :: operator! =% 4B31AF2301FC_neq.body preserve=yes
//## end FounderGuard :: operator! =% 4B31AF2301FC_neq.body
//## Other Operations (implementation) FounderGuard :: GetFounderId (String Founder)
//## begin FounderGuard :: GetFounderId% 4B31AF410259.body preserve=yes
//## end FounderGuard :: GetFounderId% 4B31AF410259.body
//Additional Declarations
//## begin FounderGuard% 4B31AF2301FC.declarations preserve=yes
//## end FounderGuard% 4B31AF2301FC.declarations
//## begin module% 4B31B5C10186.epilog preserve=yes
//## end module% 4B31B5C10186.epilog
//## begin module% 1.7% .codegen_version preserve=yes
//Read the documentation to learn more abo...