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Реферат Концепт &happiness& в американській лінгвокультуре

irits. 2Nature sounds, hush The hush that accompanies snowfall fills me with quiet happiness. There is happiness in the sound of the leaves whispering their approval as I walk along the pathway that leads through the wood. A happy sound - the quacking of the wild mallards is like groaning laughter after a corny joke. 3Birdsongs The wild unstructured form of a birdsong fills my heart with happiness. The nicest aria to be heard is that of the birds at my window when I wake up. 4Watching the sky, clouds, stars Happiness is being carried on the clouds that scud across a bright blue sky. The stars in a clear sky always make me wonder if out of there somewhere, someone is looking back at me with equal wonder. 5Snowfalls Happiness is feeling soft falling snow against my face, like little cold, wet, lacy handkerchiefs tossed there playfully by winter fairies. Enough snow having fallen to embark upon a sleigh ride and a good hill nearby are ingredients for a happy day. No matter how many times you ve seen it before, there is sheer magic in watching snow as it falls outside your window. 6Rain I love the sound of rain upon corrugated iron. The tickle of a raindrop as it runs down my nose makes me happy. 7Walking at night A walk on the beach on a warm summer night is a journey to the soul of nature. Happiness is the understanding nature of night, never too dark to scare, gently lulling me to sleep. 8Picking up mushrooms, berries, etc. A basket of fresh field mushrooms, picked on a misty morning, to be consumed in good company, makes for a happy evening to come. 9Picturesque views The view from the top of a mountain on a clear day tells me I am happy and never alone. The incredible blue of a field of cornflowers takes my breath away. 10Sunset Happiness may be found in the inviting colors of a cool fall day. Happiness is a sunset that paints the sky until everything under it glows for miles around.

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