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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Книга, учебник » General Characteristics of Lexicology

Реферат General Characteristics of Lexicology

tems (head-teacher); - juxtaposition of a non-derived and an abbreviated stems (A-level, H-bomb, H-bag (hand bag), A-bomb, TV-show); - juxtaposition of phonetically similar stems forming reduplicative compounds (bye-bye, ping-pong, tip-top В«першокласнийВ», wishy-washy В«рідкийВ», sing-song "монета", сriss-cross В«перехрестяВ»). Juxtaposition of phonetically similar stems or words is often found in Russian too, eg В«Тіп-топВ», В«дурень-дурнемВ», В«ніс до носаВ»; compound derivatives (aka В«derivational compoundsВ») formed by adding a word-building suffix to a compound stem: blue-eyed, light-minded, reform-minded, dog-eared. Compound stem is the stem consisting in its turn of two stems (cf. a simple root stem in worker). These derivational compounds are built after the pattern: Compound stem + - ed, eg blue-eye + ed. They are derivational compounds, but not compound words because eyed, minded, eared do not exist as words. Russian words В«довгоногийВ», В«блакитноокийВ» are also derivational compounds but not compound words because В«ногійВ», В«очіВ» do not exist. On the other hand words of the shoe-maker type are compound words built after the pattern: a non-derived stem + a derived stem. Many derivational compounds are built in English after the pattern compound stem + - er, eg sit-downer (a person taking part in a sit-down demonstration), baby-sitter, hard-liner, do-gooder. There are other suffixes forming derivational compounds, eg horsemanship В«верхова їздаВ»; compounds built by means of the linking elements: - o-, - i-, - s - (gasometer, Indo-China, Anglo-Russian; handicraft; sportsman, salesman, saleswoman, statesman); compounds which are termed В«lexicalized phrasesВ»; they consist of more than two stems (up-to-date, out-of-door, man-of-war В«військовий корабельВ», good-for-nothing [the elements - to-, - of-, - for - are not independent words, they are stems], forget-me-not). Structural and semantic correlation between the stems of a compound word. 1) Structural correlation between the stems of a compound word. According to the structural correlation between the stems of a compound word linguists distinguish between syntactic and asyntactic compounds. In syntactic compounds the order of the components corresponds to the syntactical patterns of the English language. For example the compound black-eye В«синецьВ» is built after the pattern Adj. stem + N stem which corresponds to the syntactical pattern Adj. + N (black pen, etc.); The compound pickpocket В«кишеньковий злодюжкаВ» is built after the pattern V stem + N stem which corresponds to the syntactical pattern V + N (to pick flowers). In asyntactic compounds the order of the components does not correspond to the syntactical patterns of the English language. For example the compounds snow-white, world-famous are built after the pattern N stem + Adj. stem which does not correspond to the syntactical patterns of the English language. The order of the components in the English syntactical pattern is Adj. + N; the compound red-hot is built after the pattern Adj. stem + Adj. stem which does not correspond to the syntactical patterns of the English language. 2) Semantic relations between the stems of a compound word. Linguists distinguish the following semantic relations between the stems of a compound word: relations of purpose: safety-pin В«англійська шпилькаВ», rain-coat (coat against rain); local relations (relations of place): sea-port, country-house; relations of comparison: grass-green, red-hot; temporal relations (relations of time): day-dream, night-mare, etc. 3) Motivation of compound words. Motivation is the connection between the meaning and the structure of a unit. There are three degrees of motivation in compounds. According to the motivation degree compounds are grouped into three classes. Motivated compounds. The meaning of a motivated compound can be understood from the meanings of its stems. For example frog-man В«водолазВ» can be explained as В«a man resembling a frogВ». Partially motivated compounds. The meaning of one of the stems could help guess the meaning of the compound word, eg white-horses В«білі гребені морської хвиліВ» (...

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