#39;, ([PODRAZD_ID, PERIOD_ID, Prof [0]]), []);. Edit;. AsString: = Prof [1];. AsString: = Prof [2];. AsString: = Prof [3];. AsString: = Prof [4]; _POZ. AsString: = Prof [5];. AsString: = Prof [6]; _SHTAT. AsString: = Prof [7]; _FAKT. AsString: = Prof [8]; _ZAP. AsString: = Prof [10]; _KOR. AsString: = Prof [11]; _EDIT. AsString: = Login; _EDIT. Value: = Date;. Post; _ID: = ADOTableProfessionPROF_ID. AsInteger; else begin. Insert; _ID. AsInteger: = PODRAZD_ID; _ID. AsInteger: = PERIOD_ID;. AsString: = Prof [0];. AsString: = Prof [1];. AsString: = Prof [2];. AsString: = Prof [3];. AsString: = Prof [4]; _POZ. AsString: = Prof [5];. AsString: = Prof [6]; _SHTAT. AsString: = Prof [7]; _FAKT. AsString: = Prof [8]; _ZAP. AsString: = Prof [10]; _KOR. AsString: = Prof [11]; _ADD. AsString: = Login; _ADD. Value: = Date;. Post;. SQL. Clear;. SQL. Add ('SELECT PROF_ID FROM PROFESSION WHERE' +
'(PODRAZD_ID =' + IntToStr (PODRAZD_ID) + ') AND' +
'(PERIOD_ID =' + IntToStr (PERIOD_ID) + ') AND' +
'(PROFESSION =''' + Prof [0] +'' ')');
ADOQueryID. Active: = True; _ID: = ADOQueryID. Fields [0]. AsInteger;. Active: = False;;: = XMLDoc. DocumentElement. ChildNodes [Lvl1]. ChildNodes [I]. ChildNodes [Q]. ChildNodes; J: = 12 to NodesEmployee. GetCount-1 do begin (XMLDoc. DocumentElement. ChildNodes [Lvl1]. ChildNodes [I]. ChildNodes [Q]. ChildNodes [J]. NodeName = 'ПоіменнийСпісок') and
(XMLDoc. DocumentElement. ChildNodes [Lvl1]. ChildNodes [I]. ChildNodes [Q]. ChildNodes [J]. HasChildNodes) then begin
Empl [0]: = VarToStr (XMLDoc. DocumentElement. ChildNodes [Lvl1]. ChildNodes [I]. ChildNodes [Q]. ChildNodes [J]. ChildNodes ['СтрНомер']. Text); [1]: = VarToStr (XMLDoc. DocumentElement. ChildNodes [Lvl1]. ChildNodes [I]. ChildNodes [Q]. ChildNodes [J]. ChildNodes ['Прізвище']. Text); [2]: = VarToStr (XMLDoc. DocumentElement. ChildNodes [Lvl1]. ChildNodes [I]. ChildNodes [Q]. ChildNodes [J]. ChildNodes ['Ім'я']. Text); [3]: = VarToStr (XMLDoc. DocumentElement. ChildNodes [Lvl1]. ChildNodes [ I]. ChildNodes [Q]. ChildNodes [J]. ChildNodes ['По батькові']. Text); [4]: ​​= VarToStr (XMLDoc. DocumentElement. ChildNodes [Lvl1]. ChildNodes [I]. ChildNodes [Q]. ChildNodes [J]. ChildNodes ['КолПеріодов']. Text);: = ADOTableEmployee. Lookup ('PODRAZD_ID; PROF_ID; STRAH_NUM', ([PODRAZD_ID, PROF_ID, Empl [0]]), 'PODRAZD_ID'); not VarIsNull (V) then begin. Locate ('PODRAZD_ID; PROF_ID; STRAH_NUM', ([PODRAZD_ID, PROF_ID, Empl [0]]), []);. Edit;. AsString: = Empl [1];. AsString: = Empl [2];. AsString: = Empl [3]; _WPERIOD. AsString: = Empl [4]; _EDIT. AsString: = Login; _EDIT. Value: = Date;. Post; _ID: = ADOTableEmployeeEMPL...