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Реферат Social Protection tax militiamen

x police to private ownership. The children of civil servants, departments and divisions of the tax police, who killed or died in the performance of official duties, until they reach adulthood and for disabled family members who were dependents, retains the right to benefits to pay for housing, utilities, fuel. In case of injury caused by the tax police on duty and disability that occurred during the period of public service or no later than three months after separation from service or after the expiration of this period, but due to illness or accident, that occurred during the period of service, he shall be paid a lump sum of three to five year allowance (depending on the degree of disability) and assigned disability pension. Damage caused to property tax police or his close relatives in connection with the performance of official duties shall be reimbursed in accordance with the law in its entirety and the relevant budget. p align="justify"> Legally defined and an extensive system of social protection of law enforcement officers, according to the legislator, was reliably guarantee the realization of the elements of the legal status of the latter. However, the practical application of these rules indicates otherwise. "In the absence of a coordinated work on real legal protection of honor and dignity of law enforcement officers and their adaptation to changes in the socio-economic and political-legal sphere, there is a real threat of losing a sense of trust and respect for government institutions, the decline in the authority of the Civil Service. And that could cause or origin of a worker's inferiority complex, or, conversely, to neglect the interests of service in favor dribnoehoistychnym interests. The lack of organized and permanent rehabilitation and patronage of relatively pensioners, the disabled, the sick police and members of their families undermines their usefulness to society in that the intervening years and the civil service were not in vain. Scattered areas of social work in law enforcement bodies of Ukraine inadvertently pushed this work into the background that led to a lack of systematic studies of working and living conditions of civil servants, the real work on developing methods for the efficient use of official time and leisure , forming reasonable needs, queries, values?? and motives behavior. "Multifaceted activities of law enforcement requires the implementation of legal provisions that guarantee social welfare personnel in the service and retired, but the legal and institutional mechanisms for their implementation on the ground are different. In some regions provided guarantees and benefits are realized in full, in others - has not yet found an effective approach to every aspect of the problem, in the third - yet little is business initiative, creativity, desire and perseverance in dealing with the above issues . this today in the field of social work in law enforcement is a difficult task - to stre...

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