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Реферат Social Protection tax militiamen

ngthen work on the development and enforcement of different aspects allowed measures of socio-legal protection of government officials of these bodies, neutralize or at least minimize the effect of the destructive forces of social tension in the society not to allow it could result in conflict situations focus and maximum support moral and material effort socially active groups, service and labor groups respective divisions at the exit from the crisis. Unfortunately, to date no serious research on problem areas of socio-legal support and protection of workers of law enforcement officers. Legal and social work for these agencies includes the following: material and financial security, social security in old age, or for reasons of temporary or permanent disability, legal protection of honor, dignity, health and property of public servants and their friends and relatives, social assistance in their adaptation of the service, the rehabilitation of workers who are injured, injury or occupational disease; recreational activity and patronage help veterans, single patient, the least protected groups. Certainly, in the sphere of social and legal policy also includes work with different groups of the population in order to increase the authority of law enforcement to the public. Generally, the system works in the field of legal and social protection of workers should be seen as a means to improve their performance, preservation and consolidation of the personnel of these agencies and service units in service. p align="justify"> Conclusion

, we see that the issue of social security tax militiamen are not fully regulated. There are many shortcomings and differences in regulation of this issue, and the mechanism of its implementation in practice. security tax militiamen implies involvement of these bodies most suitable for law enforcement professionals and concerned about the continued development of their abilities. Condition of socio-legal protection of workers today generally do not provide any involvement in the service of worthy citizens, nor the desire of employees to develop their professional skills. Under these conditions serve in law enforcement are people who do not find themselves in civil structures and met minimum stability date of service, or those who have long been linked his life to the service and not risk changing this attachment, or those who seeking to use the service condition for the benefit of themselves. This - the lower, crisis limit social and legal protection of personnel. The movement of her upward social protection of workers today necessary and relevant. It should be tied directly to the selection of citizens. You must create the conditions to the service of this component of the mechanism of executive power of the state came to the person for whom it is important not only measures of socio-legal protection of themselves, but of social fruitfulness and importance of law enforceme...

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