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> Реферати > Курсові роботи > Звіти з практики > Курсові проекти > Питання та відповіді > Ессе > Доклади > Учбові матеріали > Контрольні роботи > Методички > Лекції > Твори > Підручники > Статті Контакти
Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Курсовые обзорные » Інформаційна система житлового агентства

Реферат Інформаційна система житлового агентства

kButton, SIGNAL (clicked ()), SLOT (searchPosterHiring ())); QObject :: connect (uiSearchRent.okButton, SIGNAL (clicked ()), SLOT (searchPosterRent ())); QObject :: connect (uiSearchHiring.clearButton, SIGNAL (clicked ()), SLOT (clearPosterHiring ())); QObject :: connect (uiSearchRent.clearButton, SIGNAL (clicked ()), SLOT ( clearPosterRent ()));} FunctionGuest :: ~ FunctionGuest () {delete searchWindowPosterHiring; delete searchWindowPosterRent;} bool FunctionGuest :: selectionPosterHiring (PosterHiring * poster, const QLineEdit * city, const QLineEdit * area, const QComboBox * nRoom, const QCheckBox * furtiture, const QCheckBox * animal, const QComboBox * tenant, const QLineEdit * price) {if (! city-> text (). isEmpty ()) if (poster-> getCity ()! = city-> text ( )) return false; if (! area-> text (). isEmpty ()) if (poster-> getArea ()! = area-> text ()) return false; if (! price-> text (). isEmpty ()) if (poster-> getPrice ()> price-> text (). toInt ()) return false; if (nRoom-> currentText ()! = poster-> getSumRoom ( )) return false; if (tenant-> currentText ()! = poster-> getTenant ()) return false; if (animal-> isChecked ()! = poster-> getAnimal ()) return false; if (furtiture-> isChecked ()! = poster-> getFurtiture ()) return false; return true;} bool FunctionGuest :: selectionPosterRent (PosterRent * poster, const QLineEdit * city, const QLineEdit * area, const QLineEdit * street, const QLineEdit * home, const QSpinBox * floor, const QComboBox * nRoom, const QCheckBox * furtiture, const QCheckBox * animal, const QComboBox * tenant, const QLineEdit * price) {if (! selectionPosterHiring (poster, city, area, nRoom, furtiture , animal, tenant, price)) return false; if (! street-> text (). isEmpty ()) if (poster-> getStreet ()! = street-> text ()) return false; if ( ! home-> text (). isEmpty ()) if (poster-> getHome ()! = home-> text ()) return false; if (floor-> value ()! = poster-> getNumberFloor ()) return false; return true;} void FunctionGuest :: addQStringInTable (QTableWidget * table, QString text, const int row, const int column) {QTableWidgetItem * item = new QTableWidgetItem (text); table-> setItem (row , column, item);} void FunctionGuest :: addInTablePosterHiring (QTableWidget * table, PosterHiring * poster, const int row) {addQStringInTable (table, poster-> getCity (), row, 0); addQStringInTable (table, poster-> ; getArea (), row, 1); addQStringInTable (table, poster-> getNumberPhone (), row, 2); addQStringInTable (table, poster-> getSumRoom (), row, 3); if (poster-> getFurtiture ()) addQStringInTable (table, "true", row, 4); else addQStringInTable (table, "false", row, 4); if (poster-> getAnimal ()) addQStringInTable (table, "true" ;, row, 5); else addQStringInTable (table, "false", row, 5); addQStringInTable (table, poster-> getTenant (), row, 6); addQStringInTable (table, QString ("% 1" ). arg (poster-> getPrice ()), row, 7);} void FunctionGuest :: addInTablePosterRent (QTableWidget * table, PosterRent * poster,...

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