Теми рефератів
> Реферати > Курсові роботи > Звіти з практики > Курсові проекти > Питання та відповіді > Ессе > Доклади > Учбові матеріали > Контрольні роботи > Методички > Лекції > Твори > Підручники > Статті Контакти
Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Курсовые обзорные » Інформаційна система житлового агентства

Реферат Інформаційна система житлового агентства

const int row) {addQStringInTable (table, poster-> getCity (), row, 0); addQStringInTable (table, poster-> getArea (), row, 1); addQStringInTable (table, poster-> getStreet (), row, 2); addQStringInTable (table, poster-> getHome () , row, 3); addQStringInTable (table, QString ("% 1"). arg (poster-> getNumberFloor ()), row, 4); addQStringInTable (table, poster-> getNumberPhone (), row, 5 ); addQStringInTable (table, poster-> getSumRoom (), row, 6); if (poster-> getFurtiture ()) addQStringInTable (table, "true", row, 7); else addQStringInTable (table, " false ", row, 7); if (poster-> getAnimal ()) addQStringInTable (table," true ", row, 8); else addQStringInTable (table," false ", row, 8); addQStringInTable (table , poster-> getTenant (), row, 9); addQStringInTable (table, QString ("% 1"). arg (poster-> getPrice ()), row, 10);} void FunctionGuest :: searchPosterHiring ( ) {QDialog * windowSearchTable = new QDialog (this); Ui :: tabPostersHiring ui; ui.setupUi (windowSearchTable); QLinkedList :: Iterator passageUser = users-> begin (); while (passageUser! = users -> end ()) {QLinkedList :: Iterator passagePoster = (* passageUser) -> getPostersHiring () -> begin (); while (passagePoster! = (* passageUser) -> getPostersHiring ( ) -> end ()) {if (selectionPosterHiring (* passagePoster, uiHiring.cityLineEdit, uiHiring.areaLineEdit, uiHiring.sRoomComboBox, uiHiring.furtitureCheckBox, uiHiring.animalCheckBox, uiHiring.tenantComboBox, uiHiring.priceLineEdit)) {ui.tableWidget- > insertRow (ui.tableWidget-> rowCount ()); addInTablePosterHiring (ui.tableWidget, * passagePoster, ui.tableWidget-> rowCount () - 1);} passagePoster + +;} + + passageUser;} windowSearchTable-> exec (), delete windowSearchTable;} void FunctionGuest :: searchPosterRent () {QDialog * windowSearchTable = new QDialog (this), Ui :: tabPostersRent ui; ui.setupUi (windowSearchTable), QLinkedList :: Iterator passageUser = users-> begin (); while (passageUser! = users-> end ()) {QLinkedList :: Iterator passagePoster = (* passageUser) -> getPostersRent () -> begin (); while (passagePoster! = (* passageUser) -> getPostersRent () -> end ()) {if (selectionPosterRent (* passagePoster, uiRent.cityLineEdit, uiRent.areaLineEdit, uiRent.streetLineEdit, uiRent.nHomeLineEdit, uiRent.floorSpinBox, uiRent.sRoomComboBox, uiRent.furtitureCheckBox, uiRent.animalCheckBox, uiRent.tenantComboBox, uiRent.priceLineEdit)) {ui.tableWidget-> insertRow (ui.tableWidget-> rowCount ()), addInTablePosterRent (ui.tableWidget, * passagePoster, ui.tableWidget-> rowCount () - 1);} passagePoster + +;} + + passageUser;} windowSearchTable-> exec (); delete windowSearchTable;} void FunctionGuest :: clearPosterHiring (QLineEdit * city, QLineEdit * area, QLineEdit * nPhone, QComboBox * nRoom, QCheckBox * furtiture, QCheckBox * animal, QComboBox * tenant, QLineEdit * price) {city-> clear (); area-> clear (); nPhone-> clear (); nRoom-> ; setCurrentIndex (0); furtiture...

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