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Реферат The history of development the science of translation in the countries of studied language

dy Latin, were appointed to higher posts.

) «Dialogues» of the same author (тобто Grigory I), on a content representing conversations of the daddy with the friend about a life and acts of Italian. This book became a source for set of hagiographical compositions of the Middle Ages and also enjoyed the big popularity, than and its choice was defined.of fragments from compositions of Avgustine «Monologue» and «About vision of the God» are attributed to Al «fried also. Besides it by tradition consider sometimes and the translator of the book of Psalmov David and even the Bible. However the precise information on these translations it was not kept.death of king Alfred translational activity in England proceeded, though with smaller intensity. In particular, the Gospel from Matfey was translated and glosses (attributing of the corresponding English equivalents over each word of the Latin text) other three Gospel are made. There were also transfers of medieval ekzegetic and didactic literature. About methods which adhered Alfred and its associates by transfer of latin originals, it is spoken and in the forewords left by them. So, in the foreword to «Duties of the pastor» it is informed, that the English version passes the original sometimes word for word, sometimes - according to sense; in the foreword to «to the Consolation philosophy» - that king Alfred, being the translator of the named work, translated it at times a word behind a word, at times sense behind sense so neatly and clearly, however was able.of huge volume of work performed under its management, the English monarch well realized, that its successors should make much more. In the foreword to translation of «Monologue» of Avgustin, where the translator assimilates to the builder who has gone the big wood to prepare a necessary material and to deliver therefrom all necessary, it is spoken: «But I did not intend at all to bring from a wood everything even if and was able to do it. In each tree I have seen something useful; and consequently I advise any, having such possibility and possessing necessary number of vehicles, to direct the way to a wood where I have prepared logs. Let it will add to them new, will load with them the vehicles and will create what I have not made, - will construct set of fine houses and will erect fine city in which will live cheerfully and pleasantly as in winter, and in summer » [30, p. 3-4]. Elfrik (955 - 1020) who has become subsequently the abbey of a monastery in Oxford was considered as the largest figure of this period. With it begin history of creation of the English Bible as it was noted above, Alfred »s version (if it really existed) didn« t reach us literature. The particular interest is represented by prefaces to translation in which Elfrik stated the principles of translation of the Latin text. And the characteristic detail attracts attention: almost all of them (except for the preface to bible «Genesis») are written in Latin. Thus, if translation intended for those whom in the Middle Ages called the term «idiot», addressees of prefaces were first of all scientific «litterati», ie those church circles which, based on the theory «threelingua», in general opposed translation from the Bible on local languages. , Elfrik also had doubts concerning legitimacy of the work and several times assured that won »t be engaged in many translational activities that« a pearl of the Christ », having begun to sound in« English...

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