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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Новые рефераты » The history of development the science of translation in the countries of studied language

Реферат The history of development the science of translation in the countries of studied language

language », it wouldn« t be trampled. Even in the preface mentioned above to «Genesis» it is possible to read the statement that his author never won »t dare to translation anymore any book from Latin on the native language (that, however, didn« t prevent Elfrik to carry out subsequently translation of all Pentateuch and church sermons, also having accompanied them prefaces). about rules of translation of the Latin text, Elfrik emphasized need to translate not word for word, and sense to sense, allowing any reductions, the explanation and change. On the one hand, it is explained by need to reckon with audience for which transfer is intended. Elfrik recommends to the translator to use simple style and words clear to all as often the original contains any rhetorical figures and the jewelry, capable to push away the unsophisticated reader and to cause in it boredom. On the other hand, Elfrik stated the fears, as though any fool, having got acquainted with books of the Old Testament, wouldn »t began to imitate characters of the last in all details, thinking as if it is possible to live and now as lived at patriarchs and Moisey. Therefore, translating «Genesis», he considered necessary to resort to «reasonable admissions» where it was a question of polygamy of bible patriarchs. , Transferring Latin sources where the Eastern Roman Empire was mentioned, Elfrik avoided speaking about board of two emperors not to confuse the compatriots who submit to one king and got used to see at the head of the country of one monarch, instead of two. Especially Elfrik emphasizes existence in sacred books of the highest spiritual essence, stipulating that he retells only their external matter. Besides considered above works deserves attention and made by Elfrik in English Latin grammar where he entered some parts of the well-known grammar of Prussian relating to the VI century.

This book contains also translational supervision (for example, about existence in each language of own interjections which are difficult giving in to transfer on other language). If Alfred and Elfrik, choosing texts for translation, were guided mainly by educational and didactic reasons, during the considered period appear already and translate of such works which were intended for entertainment of readers. Here «Alexander's Letter» and «East Miracles» where it was told about any fantastic beings and the phenomena, and also a fragment of translation of the Latin version of the Greek novel about Apollonian Tirsk belong to the story about adventures of the Syrian monk Malkh, adjoining literature, but possessing many lines of the adventure antique story., by XI century already there was a tradition of translations into the Old English language, playing an important role in formation of English culture. However in 1066 there is an event which had the major consequences for the country and further development which has in many respects changed it, - a gain of England Norman duke Wilhelm. Already to the middle of the XIII century signs of strengthening of a role of English and gradual replacement of French began to be observed. In 1258 king Henry III addressed for the first time to the population with the appeal written in English. The specified tendency especially amplified a century later. In 1362 capital legal proceedings were translated to English and it began to sound for the first time in parliament. Approximately the statement of English belongs to ...

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