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Реферат Phrasal verbs and verb expressions. Verb expressions with "Come" and "Go"

an use more authentic materials, we can encourage a wider variety of language use, and we can create more natural communicative purposes.

Activities to encourage Englishare more ways to create opportunities for simple communication in English lessons:

· Start each lesson by asking students about their week, weekend or previous evening. Talk about yours in a natural way: «Did anyone see that funny film on TV last night?»

· Ask students about their area or information you may need to know. Simple requests for help, such as: «Does anyone know if there is a bank open on Saturday here?» Ask for suggestions for places to visit. Even with beginners, opportunities can arise: ask for the time, the date, how to get to places nearby etc.

· Ask for explanations in English whenever students are able. This stretches students.

· Involve students in board work, asking them to spell aloud a word you are writing, inviting younger learners to complete a summary, write a question or correct a mistake on the board.

· Avoid asking «Do you understand?» Try to get more comments with questions to check understanding: «Why is there an s on this verb?» or «Can you pronounce this word?»

· Get ??students to refer to an English-English dictionary (take your own if necessary). Play games involving definitions (eg Guessing a described object; animal, vegetable or mineral?; Or What s my line? With job descriptions.) Do simple crosswords with clues.

· Play games where use of the mother tongue loses points for the team.

· Practice and encourage all common classroom requests: «Can I have another piece of paper?» or «May I go to the toilet, please?»- Students may not use English requests amongst themselves but insist they do with you.

Encouraging students can eventually pay-off. If they enjoy your lessons, their attitude to speaking English will improve over time.

Chapter 2. The ways of learning phrasal verbs

complains about phrasal verbs. It doesn «t help that in books they» re referred to as «phrasal verbs» and «multi-word verbs» and «prepositional verbs» and whatever other name may be fashionable or grammatically correct at a particular time.know what they are, and so do I. They «re verbs followed by what is sometimes called a» particle «. This »particle« is either a preposition or an adverb, or possibly one of each. Most people think it »s a preposition. Personally I don «t think it matters whether or not you know it» sa preposition or an adverb. The word is a preposition by seeing which type the verb is. If I don «t know immediately, then I don» t expect people who are learning the language to know. It doesn «t help you to remember the verb either.don» t worry about prepositions and adverbs. Call them whatever you want. The most important thing is that you should understand as many phrasal verbs as possible and be able to use them. English people use them all the time.there «s no easy way of learning them.are four types of phrasal verbs. It might help you to know this, but equally it might not. If you find it confusing, don »t worry too much. There are various ways of learning phrasal verbs, and knowing the specific type is not...

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