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Реферат Gender discourse in modern English and Russian belles-letters

rmation of primary development of a linguistic component domestic genderlogy and gender researches is at the end stage. [23, 14]. The given opinion is considered correct only partly as their feature, according to D. Tannen, consists that they did not proceed from feministic ideology as it has occurred in the USA and the Western Europe, and had no sexist orientation in researches. And the parity of a grammatical gender and an extra linguistic category «sex» was studied within the limits of other disciplines - morphology, grammar, lexicology - long before formation of the feministic concept of language and formation of the term «gender» in the West [29, 358]. OL Kamenskaya, considering features of works of gender researches in linguistics, it is offered to differentiate them on two groups. So, the first direction - the gender linguistics - investigates language and speech behavior with application of gender methods, and object of the second direction - linguistic genderology - is studying of a category of a gender with application of linguistic toolkit [30, 13-19 ]. linguistic researches of a gender interdependent and complementary, nevertheless, at the detailed analysis it is possible to allocate six directions of development linguistic gender logy in modern linguistics:

) Socio-linguistic gender researches;

) Feministic linguistics;

) Actually gender researches studying language behavior of both sexes;

) Masculinity research (the youngest direction which has arisen in the end of 20 century);

) Psycholinguistic researches (within the limits of this direction works are spent to areas of neorolinguistics, studying speeches ontogenesis, here belongs both biodetermenistic direction investigating cognitive features and distinctions between men and women and their display in speech) ;

) cross-cultural, linguo-cultural researches, including a hypothesis of gender subcultures., in brief it is possible to distribute them in three directions: socio - and psycholinguistic, linguo-cultural, communicative-discursive [31, 78-94]. a whole at studying of a problem of mutual relation of language and a gender and presence of certain features in man's and female verbal behavior at present it is possible to allocate three basic approaches:

1) purely gender approach is reduced in treatment of exclusively social nature of language of women and men and aimed at revealing of those language distinctions which it is possible to explain features of redistribution of the power in a society , thus language is defined as certain functional derivative of the basic language, used when partners in speech are at different steps of social hierarchy. A theoretical basis of such approach is M. Fuko's concepts and the sociological concept of genders have made by E. Goffman.

2) the second - socio-psycho-linguistic approach - reduces the second «female» and «man's» language to features of language behavior of the woman and the man, for it statistics make a skeleton for construction of linguistic theories;

) the third approach does an emphasis on cognitive aspect of these distinctions. For it appears the main thing not only definition of rate of distinctions and operating by its indicators, but also an establishment of that difficultly gives ...

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