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Реферат Teaching peculiarities in different kind of reading at the foreign language lesson

well as accuracy of content weighting and selection. Spelling, grammar, expression, and content can all be evaluated in terms of accuracy. However, teachers must make clear to students how much accuracy counts in their grading scheme. If grammatical accuracy is never touched on in reading activities, it would be unfair to make it a primary focus when testing reading.

Matrix Options at Different Levelsbeginning levels, students will need structured tasks that provide them with explicit directions about what to look for and how to find it. Later, the matrix can have a less prescriptive format, such as a prйcis or concise summary that allows learners to manage their language production by organizing information according to a logical pattern they see in a text. More advanced learners can also provide a statement in English or the foreign language concerning the implications they read in the pattern of logic uncovered in their matrices. For example, if a reader discovers a series of events and outcomes in a Batman film that all result in extraordinary special effects then they probably will recognize and write about the implication that every time a bad guy does something explosive, innocent people are put in danger and when good guys use technology it is to save people-a pattern of good versus evil with visual correlations of color and sound. In summary, teachers can manage the outcomes of reading through an assessment program that reflects a concept of reading as a holistic combination of students 'grammatical accuracy, their comprehension of content, and their critical thinking .. Top of Form

1. Which of the following assumptions about L1 use is proposed in Lesson 4:

· Students need to use the FL all the time to become communicatively competent.

· Native speakers of two different languages ??never communicate in both languages.

· L1 use for particular goals may foster FL learning if clear boundaries are established.

· Total immersion is the only valid approach to language acquisition.

. Teaching reading with a holistic approach involves using texts to

· help students move in stages from comprehension to language production (spoken and written) about reading content and its implications.

· have students identify the way grammar features of the text signal meaning.

· devise student activities that ask for critical thinking.

· all of the above.


investigated my course paper I have come to the following conclusion: that reading is not a passive skill, reading is an incredibly active occupation. To do it successfully we have to understand what the word mean, see the pictures, understand the agreements and work out if we agree with them. If we don t do this things we just scratch the service of the text and we quickly forget it. That s why we should encourage students to respond to the content of a reading text not just to the language. It is important to study reading for the way the use of language, the number of paragraphs they contain and how many times they use relative clauses.the meaning, the massage of the text is just as important and we must give to the students a chance ...

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