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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Новые рефераты » Лексічні и стілістічні Особливості газетного и журнального стілів

Реферат Лексічні и стілістічні Особливості газетного и журнального стілів

12, 06.01.11] , an unlikely rabble-rouser [12, 27.11.10], brutally assassinated [12, 07.01.11], edicts became soul-destroying [16, 07.01.11], utterly opaque [17, 24.12.10], embarrassing information [ 12, 06.01.11], flamboyant style [12, 03.01.11];

в) слова розмовної лексіці: baubles and wreaths [17, 07.01.11], cheap gimmicks [12, 27.11.10];

г) неологізмів: clothesaholic [12, 12.12.10], a «milkaholic» baby [12, 03.01.11], high-earning yuppies [12, 09.09.10], yuppiefied dolls 'houses [14, 07.01.03], found herself on live phone-ins [12, 03.09.10];

г) абревіатурі, Які стали новімі словами: DINKY: Double Income No Kids Yet-Affluent, childless couples, YUPPIE: Young Urban Professional-Ambitious career person, SINBAD: Single Income No Boyfriend Absolutely Desperate-Single woman in her thirties, SITCOM: Single Income Two Children Oppressive Marriage - Unhappy marrieds, WOOPIE: Well-Off Older Person - Affluent and active retired people. [12, 09.09.03];

д) абревіатурі: EU refuses Iran «s nuclear tour offer-The European Union [12, 08.01.11], The Financial Services Authority (FSA), Committee of European Banking Supervisors (CEBS) [13 , 18.12.10], Mediterranean diet »to be awarded Unesco status«, says Italy .. [13, 23.08.10], At least 17 killed in attack aimed at border policeman in Spin Boldak, while NATO announces roadside bomb deaths ... [14, 07.01.11], It »s life, but not as the scientists of Nasa know it [12, 05.01.11];

е) запозичення: ... saying: Much of Theobald Road is gritted as it is on a bus route, although unfortunately for these residents it does not cover the cul-de-sac. (фр.) [ 17, 07.01.11], a pizza (італ.) [16, 07.01.11], A new one-stop office (амер.) where clients can obtain a full range of professional advice - on legal, accountancy and financial planning issues- is to be opened at Long Melford in Suffolk. [15, 04.01.11], An Essex entrepreneur (фр.) is offering to invest? 100,000 in an exciting new business idea. - З фр. [15, 03.01.11];

є) кліше: Officials now admit that a complete review of how flu jabs are ordered is needed to find out what went wrong this winter. [16, 07.01.11], publicity and public pressure [17, 11.12.10], the flow of information [13, 04.01.11], the White House [12, 06.01.11], China «s Politburo [13, 07.11.10], A ban on smoking [16, 07.01.11], to publicise the case in circumstances [17, 11.12.10], the bottom line [12, 07.01.11], stand in solidarity [12, 27.12. 10], a historic TV address to the nation [13, 11.12.10], public reactions [13, 11.12.10], vital piece of information [16, 07.01.11], WAR HERO [16, 07.01.11], As health officials appealed for calm [16, 07.01.11], the bureaucratic burden [16, 07.01.11], the wartime spirit [12, 03.01.11], values ??of modern democracy [12, 0.01.11], power of money and markets [12, 03.01.11], a lengthy denunciation [12, 03.01.11], the world »s problems [12, 03.01.11], the Cold War [12, 06.01.11].

Кліше, Які мают свого роду опорним словом. Це слово характерізується скроню частотністю. Наведемо Приклади Зі словом ban: BANNED: THE CRUEL GREEN GOBLIN CARERS [16, 07.01.11], PEST TEAMS BANNED BY A BUDDHIST [16, 07.01.11], Spain smoking ban law approved [13, 22.12.10], announced a ban [12, 27.11.10], plan to ban vending machines [12, 02.12.10], a 30-month ban [12, 04.11.10], the count...

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