Теми рефератів
> Реферати > Курсові роботи > Звіти з практики > Курсові проекти > Питання та відповіді > Ессе > Доклади > Учбові матеріали > Контрольні роботи > Методички > Лекції > Твори > Підручники > Статті Контакти
Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Курсовые проекты » Реалізація аналізу освітньої системи шляхом звернення в середовищі Rational Rose

Реферат Реалізація аналізу освітньої системи шляхом звернення в середовищі Rational Rose

ut C ++ code generator


//## end module% 1.7% .codegen_version

//## begin module% 4B31B5B40285.cm preserve=no

//% X%% Q%% Z%% W%

//## end module% 4B31B5B40285.cm

//## begin module% 4B31B5B40285.cp preserve=no

//## end module% 4B31B5B40285.cp

//## Module: FounderGuard% 4B31B5B40285; Package specification

//## Subsystem: Сервер% 4B31B4D100D5

//## Source file: D: Сервер FounderGuard.h

# ifndef FounderGuard_h

# define FounderGuard_h 1

//## begin module% 4B31B5B40285.additionalIncludes preserve=no

//## end module% 4B31B5B40285.additionalIncludes

//## begin module% 4B31B5B40285.includes preserve=yes

//## end module% 4B31B5B40285.includes

//## begin module% 4B31B5B40285.declarations preserve=no

//## end module% 4B31B5B40285.declarations

//## begin module% 4B31B5B40285.additionalDeclarations preserve=yes

//## end module% 4B31B5B40285.additionalDeclarations

//## begin FounderGuard% 4B31AF2301FC.preface preserve=yes

//## end FounderGuard% 4B31AF2301FC.preface

//## Class: FounderGuard% 4B31AF2301FC

//## Category: Entities% 4B31B26B000A

//## Subsystem: Сервер% 4B31B4D100D5

//## Persistence: Transient

//## Cardinality/Multiplicity: nFounderGuard


//## begin FounderGuard% 4B31AF2301FC.initialDeclarations preserve=yes

//## end FounderGuard% 4B31AF2301FC.initialDeclarations:

//## Constructors (generated) (); (const FounderGuard amp; right);

//## Destructor (generated)

~ FounderGuard ();

//## Assignment Operation (generated) amp; operator=(const FounderGuard amp; right);

//## Equality Operations (generated) operator == (const FounderGuard amp; right) const; operator!=(const FounderGuard amp; right) const;

//## Other Operations (specified)

//## Operation: GetFounderId% 4B31AF410259GetFounderId (String Founder);

//Additional Public Declarations

//## begin FounderGuard% 4B31AF2301FC.public preserve=yes

//## end FounderGuard% 4B31AF2301FC.public:

//Additional Protected Declarations

//## begin FounderGuard% 4B31AF2301FC.protected preserve=yes

//## end FounderGuard% 4B31AF2301FC.protected:

//## Get and Set Operations for Class Attributes (generated)

//## Attribute: Id% 4B31B0D401F6Integer get_Id () const; set_Id (Integer value);

//## Attribute: Name% 4B31B0D80144String get_Name () const; set_Name (String value);

//## Attribute: Surname% 4B31B185037EString get_Surname () const; set_Surname (String value);

//## Attribute: PrizAdmin% 4B31B1A201F7Integer get_PrizAdmin () const; set_PrizAdmin (Integer value);

//Additional Private Declarations

//## begin FounderGuard% 4B31AF2301FC.private preserve=yes

//## end FounderGuard% 4B31AF2301FC.private://## implementation

//Data Members for Class Attributes

//## begin FounderGuard :: Id% 4B31B0D401F6tr preserve=no private: Integer {U} Id;

//## end FounderGuard :: Id% 4B31B0D401F6tr

//## begin FounderGuard :: Name% 4B31B0D80144tr preserve=no private: String {U} Name;

//## end FounderGuard :: Name% 4B31B0D80144tr

//## begin FounderGuard :: Surname% 4B31B185037Etr preserve=no private: String {U} Surname;

//## end FounderGuard :: Surname% 4B31B185037Etr

//## begin FounderGuard :: PrizAdmin% 4B31B1A201F7tr preserve=no private: Integer {U} PrizAdmin;

//## end FounderGuard :: PrizAdmin% 4B31B1A201F7tr

//Additional Implementation Declarations

//## begin FounderGuard% 4B31AF2301FC.implementation preserve=yes

//## end FounderGuard% 4B31AF2301FC.implementation


//## begin FounderG...

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