Теми рефератів
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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Отчеты по практике » Teacher of two languages

Реферат Teacher of two languages


Once I caught a fish alive, I let it go againit bit my finger solittle finger on the right

V. New lexic. Work with pronunciation

mother, father, sister, brother, uncle, aunt, daughter-in-law, cousin, nephew, niece, grandmother, grandfather, cousin, cousin, daughter, son, relative.

VI. Work at the blackboard p.94 ex 7. Homework p.95 ex 9feedback:

Teacher read new words, checking homework. Teacher with the students to do the exercises was a dialogue and ask and answer questions. Pupils repeat new words.purposes of lessons were reached. Pupils try to actively participate in class.lesson was interesting. p align="justify"> Description of extracurricular activities

Date: 09.02.2013: 10 A: "Smoking form: class hourpurpose: To warn children about smoking.objectives:

. To development an interest to the given theme

2. Kept informed pupils about the danger of smoking

. To create prerequisites for smoking pupils to think about the consequences of this habit

Equipment: an interactive board, pictures, posters.think that the given theme was actual for the pupils of 10th grade. Because exactly in this age young people start to smoke. Exactly in this period smoking becomes like a habit which can be spread among the whole class. Here a big role takes place an influence of the classmates. From psychologists point of view the main cause of smoking in this age is requirements of approval of the classmates and friends. Scientists consider that most affective forms of giving up smoking are discussions and games. That it way we took these forms for conducting the class hour. Duration of the class hour was forty five minutes ot was good organized and corresponded to the program of the class leader.this case before the discussion of the topic we have made an unanimous questionnaire in order to revel smo0king pupils, not smoking and those who hide their bad habit. Pupils were very active during hole action. They were responsible to carry out the tasks. Pupils have created interesting advertisements against the smoking. They liked this tasks because they could show their personality and own attitude to the given problem.theme of the class hour corresponded to age features and interests of the pupils. During the discussion we have found that six people out of twenty are hard smokers and the rest part of the class have never tried. We would like to emphasis seriousness of the situation, so as out of six hard smokers there are four girls. These people are good aware of danger consequences of smoking. But never the less only one girl made a wish to give it up.material gave good informative value. It was important that the discussion helped to form common opinion of the class: "Smoking-is unhealthy and dangerous habit . Undoubtedly, this group discussion and games have been spent in an unconstrained atmosphere in order to make mutual trust.duty was to explain pupils that the main thing is to win against smoking and do not to be yielded by persuading.have spent three games which exactly took place by the given theme. During the discussion we wanted to find the motivation which impels young people keep smoking. And we have found that the main cause which impels them to try to smoke first time is an imitation and tendency to adultness. Thus, the main objectives for the class were:

. an ability clearly to formulate the arguments against smoking,

. an ability to oppose friends impression. The class hour was built in such a way which allowed to get useful information and an opportunity to show different points of view by this problem and to discuss the questions, and also it allowed to show a creative approach of every pupil. It is necessary to note that our forms of conducting the class hour gave pupils the opportunity to working groups, to help and support every person, allowed to single out the leader in the whole process.think that this class hour has been conducting as well as it was planned. And also it gave the opportunity to make connection between class and teacher. Thus, we think our purpose was reached and completely realized. p align="justify"> Psychological and pedagogical characteristic of 5 th "A" grade

During the practicum in the school № 34, in one of the classes I was the leader of the given class which I made psychology-pedagogical characteristic. During researching of the structure and c...

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