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Реферат Граматика англійської мови

4. Find the examples which Sasha uses to show that she has the following problems.

1. One of the worst things about my house is the lack of privacy, She disappear into her room for some peace, it s guaranteed that someone will come after her, wanting to know what She is up to. The thing is because She shares a room with her little sister, which always complaining that it s her room, too.

. They treat me like a baby. s parents don t let her out at night. If She want to go to a friend s house at the weekend, they phone up her parents first and arrange what time She has to be home by. She is not allowed to go out on a real date till she is at least 15.

. I m treated like an unpaid slave. have to do all homework because Her brothers only keep their room clean, and her sister just acts like a baby and does nothing.

. They don t do their fair share. Her brothers only keep their room clean, and her sister just acts like a baby and does nothing.

5. Give your opinion on the following:

1. Do Sasha s complaints seem quite objective and fair to you? Why? Why not?, The complaints seem quite objective and fair to me, because this problem is very familiar to me. When I was a teenager this problems happened with me to.

. What resolutions of her problems has she chosen? Decides to leave home as soon as she is old enough. Get a job and a flat or tiny room. p align="justify">. What does it tell you about her character? Has strong character. She is aspires to be independent and I think she is good to go. p align="justify">. What alternatives would you suggest? Would suggest to Sasha to reconcile to all and to try to understand her. p align="center"> Висновок

Повторив граматику англійської мови шляхом виконання спеціальних завдань, поповнив свій словниковий запас і навчився користуватися спеціальною літературою.

Список використаних джерел та літератури

1.Ramond Morurphy. Inglish gramma in use.-Edinburgh.: Cambridge University press, 2001.-350с. p> 2.Аракін В.Д., Вигодська З.С. Англо-російський словник В.Д Аракин., З.С

. Вигодська.-М.: видавництво Російська мова, 1992.-606с.

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