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Реферат Граматика англійської мови

I could get a job and a flat when I leave school, but that s not very likely, so I wish I just had one tiny room of my own. My mates always say that I ll miss my family once I leave, but I doubt that!

2. Answer the questions:

Why does Sasha want to leave home? Because She doesn t get on well with any of her family.relations does she have with her brothers and sister? She have bad relations with her brothers and sister.she like her parents attitude to her? No she doesn t.does she feel the lack of privacy? Because she shares a room with her little sister.can you say about relations with your parents? My relations with parents are well, because I live in my own flat. I love my parents and they love me.

3. Find English equivalents to the following words and expressions:

1) білий раб - unpaid slave

) звертатися з кимось - to treat smb

) недолік відокремленості - the lack of privacy

) ставити в незручне становище перед кимось - shows up in front of

) зберігати секрет - keep a secret

) нудьгувати по родині - to miss a family

) подовжувач - extension

) ритися в речах

) заперечувати проти чого-небудь - to object to smth

) вносити рівну лепту - fair share

) не виносити будь-кого - to dislike smb

) робити коментарі з приводу чогось - making comments about smth

3. Match the words and phrases from the text with the closest meaning:

1. lack of privacy a) making you feel nervous and uncomfortable

. show somebody up b) look at or examine carefully

. embarrassing c) the state of being unable to be alone

. nag d) behave towards someone in a particular way

. act like a baby e) distribute the responsibilities in a fair way

. do their fair share f) to make someone feel embarrassed by behaving in a stupid way when you are with them

. treat g) express one s negative attitude to someone s behaveour in a very boring way

. go through h) behave in a childish way Sasha has a lot of complaints.


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