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Реферат Contrastive analysis of compound adjectives in English and Ukrainian

sh and Ukrainian according to valency analysis adjective-forming suffixes can be added to noun, verbal, adjective stems and only in Ukrainian to adverbal stems. The total number of suffixes in English is bigger than in Ukrainian. That point out that Ukrainian adjective-forming suffixes bear more than one lexical meaning. p align="justify"> I think this points out that despite the fact that languages ​​are different (analytical and synthetical) the amount of suffixes in each group is approximately equal, but in Ukrainian language biger part of adjectives is built with their help , what I can not say about English language.n the Ukrainian language a number of compound adjectives is smaller than in English.English new meanings of compound adjectives are created by adding prepositions (eg over-ripe, underage) which in the Ukrainian language have stable meanings without adding preposition, so the conclusion of this is that in English language there are more ways of creating new words, with new or similar meanings.in compound adjectives occur more frequently in English language especially in adjectives that are formed with past participle and present particple. In the Ukrainian language they occur mostly with words which signify coloures (egblue-green-блакитно-зелений). Analysis allows to point out the following groups of compound adjectives.my investigation I analyzed compound adjectives in English and Ukrainian taking into accountstructural and semantic criteria; compared and contrasted the results of the research.


adjective ukrainian english compound

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4. Ellis, R. 1994. The Study of Second Language Acquisition Oxford: Oxford University Press

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