. txtcex.readonly=.t.
. txtrab.readonly=.t.
. txtpr.readonly=.t.
. txtraz.readonly=.t.
. txtn.readonly=.t.
. txtrabo.readonly=.t.
. txted.readonly=.t.
. txtkol.readonly=.t.
. txtdt.readonly=.t.thisform.grid1
. coLUMN1.width=100
. coLUMN2.width=100
. coLUMN3.width=100
. coLUMN4.width=100
. coLUMN5.width=100
. coLUMN6.width=100
. coLUMN7.width=100
. coLUMN8.width=100
. coLUMN9.width=100
. coLUMN10.width=100.Refresh
Формa KeyPress: nKeyCode, nShiftAltCtrlnKeyCode=27
IF MESSAGEBOX ( Ви хочете вийти? , 4, Увага )=6
Кнопка «Нова» (click): thisform
. txttn.value=0
. txtcex.value=0
. txtrab.value=
. txtpr.value=
. txtraz.value=0
. txtn.value=0
. txtrabo.value=
. txted.value=
. txtkol.value=0
. txtdt.value={}
. txttn.readonly=.f.
. txtcex.readonly=.f.
. txtrab.readonly=.f.
. txtpr.readonly=.f.
. txtraz.readonly=.f.
. txtn.readonly=.f.
. txtrabo.readonly=.f.
. txted.readonly=.f.
. txtkol.readonly=.f.
. txtdt.readonly=.f.
. refresh
Кнопка «Зберегти» (click): SAFETY OFFthisform.txtn.ReadOnly=.T.
MESSAGEBOX ( Натисніть кнопку Нова ... , 0, Внимание !!! )
thisform.RefreshEMPTY (thisform.txtn.Value) =. f. AND EMPTY (thisform.txttn.Value) =. F. AND EMPTY (thisform.txtcex.Value) =. F. AND EMPTY (thisform.txtrab.Value) =. F. AND EMPTY (thisform.txtpr.Value) =. F. AND EMPTY (thisform.txtraz.Value) =. F. AND EMPTY (thisform.txtkol.Value) =. F.AND EMPTY (thisform.txtrabo.Value) =. F.AND EMPTY (thisform.txted.Value) =. F. AND EMPTY (thisform.txtdt.Value) =. F.table2on n TO table2.idxSEEK (thisform.txtn.Value)
IF MESSAGEBOX ( Запис існує. Замінити? , 4, Внимание !!! )=6
REPLACE n WITH thisform.txtn.Value, tn WITH thisform.txttn.Value,; WITH thisform.txtcex.Value, rab WITH thisform.txtrab.Value,; WITH thisform.txtpr.Value, raz WITH thisform.txtraz.Value,; WITH thisform.txtkol.Value, rabo WITH thisform.txtrabo.Value, ed WITH thisform.txted.Value, dt WITH thisform.txtdt.Value.Refreshthisform
. txttn.value=0
. txtcex.value=0
. txtrab.value=
. txtpr.value=
. txtraz.value=0
. txtn.value=0
. txtrabo.value=
. txted.value=
. txtkol.value=0
. txtdt.value={}
. txttn.readonly=.t.
. txtcex.readonly=.t.
. txtrab.readonly=.t.
. txtpr.readonly=.t.
. txtraz.readonly=.t.
. txtn.readonly=.t.
. txtrabo.readonly=.t.
. txted.readonly=.t.
. txtkol.readonly=.t.
. txtdt.readonly=.t.
. refreshthisform
. txttn.value=0
. txtcex.value=0
. txtrab.value=
. txtpr.value=
. txtraz.value=0
. txtn.value=0
. txtrabo.value=
. txted.value=
. txtkol.value=0
.txtdt.value={}.Refresh=thisform.txttn.Value=thisform.txtcex.Value=thisform.txtrab.Value=thisform.txtpr.Value=thisform.txtraz.Value=thisform.txtn.Value=thisform.txtrabo.Value=thisform.txted.Value=thisform.txtkol.Value=thisform.txtdt.ValueINTO table2 (tn, cex, rab, pr, raz, n, kol, rabo, ed, dt) VALUES (tn1, cex1, rab1, pr1, raz1, n1, kol1, rabo1, ed1, dt1) thisform
. txttn.value=0
. txtcex.value=0
. txt...