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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Статьи » Мовна гра як фактор Виникнення комунікатівної невдачі в амеріканській рекламі (на матеріалі реклами продуктів харчування та напоїв)

Реферат Мовна гра як фактор Виникнення комунікатівної невдачі в амеріканській рекламі (на матеріалі реклами продуктів харчування та напоїв)

Burger King restaurant)

. Cheerious

. Hunts. Manwich. (ConAgra Foods)

. Nabisco. Triscuit. (Nabisco)

. Give me a break. (Kit Kat)

. Do what tastes right. (Wendys. Restaurant)

. Open Happiness. (Coca cola)

. Eat death. (Subway)

. Live on the cokeside of life. (Coca Cola)

. SHELLFISH I mean SELFish. (Fish market)

. Nespresso. What else? (Nescafe)

. Its all in the pepperation. (Mexican restaurant)

. little place. BIG TASTE. (Carl's Jr. restaurant)

. The mint with the hole. (Polo)

. Life Is Short. Eat Better Pizza. (Jets Pizza pizzeria)

. IFat. There is a diet for that. (IFat.)

. We speak fish. (Fish market)

. Love Bacon? Marry It. (Jack in the Box restaurant)

. Delightfully tacky, yet unrefined. (Hooters restaurant and shop)

. Sweet as the moment when the pod went pop. (Birds Eye peas)

. Fairway. Like no other markets. (Fairway Market)

. Breakfast of champions. (Wheaties)


The diploma work is devoted to the phenomenon of language game as one of the main reasons of communication failure emergence. The project objective is to distinguish the main situations when the language game causes the emergence of communication failure in American food and beverage advertising slogans. The theoretical background of the project includes fundamental works by Russian, Ukrainian and foreign scholars: OA Zemska, MN Smirnova, BY Gorodetsky, MF Mc.Tear, TA Kosmeda, AP Amiri, D. Morice, LJJ Wittgenstein and others. The first part of the work is devoted to the theoretical aspects of communication failure, language game and advertising discourse phenomena. The process of communication failure is presented through the viewpoints of different Russian and foreign scholars, different definitions of language game are given and the main speech levels of its realization are specified. The difference between «advertising text» and «advertising discourse» is defined and its main characteristics are presented. So, scholars OP Ermakova and OA Zemska define communication failure as a setback of communicative intentions of interlocutors, which causes the negative emotional effect.principles postulated in the first part have practical application in the second one. This part contains linguistic analysis of advertising slogans which are constructed with examples of language game. As we can observe, language game in advertising slogans is mostly formed at morphological, phonological, word-formative and graphical speech levels. We defined the main reasons of communication failure emergence in advertising slogans. They are: slang usage, different word interpretations, moral standards foul, nonce-words usage, pun., We may say that the violation of cultural, ethic and speech rules and standards causes the communication failure emergence in advertising slogans.words: communication failure , language game, advertising slogans.

Назад | сторінка 15 з 15

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