to wages, pensions, taking into account the development of voluntary pension savings To a level that ensures a decent standard of living for pensioners;
Ensuring availability of quality educational services, health and culture on the basis of a profound structural and technological modernization of these areas;
The transition from a system of mass education, which is characteristic for the industrial economy, to the need to create innovative social-oriented economy continuing individualized education for all;
Provision of affordable and quality housing, creating a comfortable urban environment for humans and effective housing and communal services, building a flexible system of resettlement The multi-regional and national ways of life;
Creation of effective targeted support system for the poor and providing social services for older people, The disabled and children;
To create economic conditions for the preservation and multiplication of cultural and spiritual values ​​of Russian people
Improvement of environmental quality and ecological conditions of human life, reducing crime;
Ensuring high professional and territorial mobility of labor, The formation of a professional culture, labor and entrepreneurial values.second direction - creating a highly competitive institutional environment that encourages entrepreneurial activity and attract capital into the economy 19 :
Creation and development of competitive markets, a consistent de-monopolization of the economy;
Support for the formation of new companies and new businesses based on innovation (startups), promotion of small business development;
Reduction of investment and business risks through the development of financial institutions, Macroeconomic stability, protects property rights and enhances the predictability of economic policy;
Improving the access of companies to long-term financial resources, development of financial markets and other institutions ensuring the transformation of savings into capital;
Increase transparency of business, including on the basis of self-organization of the business community;
Ensuring high quality of public administration in the economic sphere.third area - the structural diversification of the economy through innovative technology development:
Formation of a national innovation system, including elements such as an integrated system of higher education research and development;
Formation of a strong scientific-technological complex, which supports the achievement and maintenance of leadership in research and technologies i...