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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Курсовые обзорные » Games activity at the foreign language lesson as one of the basic ways of learning English at primary school

Реферат Games activity at the foreign language lesson as one of the basic ways of learning English at primary school

se while my adverb was loudly . That was interesting.

Possible adverbs to use:

quickly, slowly, angrily, happily, quietly, loudly, strongly, sheepishly, calmly, lazily, sleepily, fearfully, silently, painfully, seriously, dramatically, gracefully, stiffly, jerkily, drunkenly


One example of a routine exercise on the comparison of adjectives is a series of items like:

A car, a jet plane (fast, slow) in response to which the student has to produce sentences like The jet plane is faster than the car or The car is slower than the jet plane. The more imaginative teacher gives only the items car and jet plane and invites students to make their own comparisons. One way of making this exercise by giving the class things to compare that have nothing to do with one another, like an elephant and a potato. The students then have to tax their imaginations to find points of comparison, the objective is more interesting and the results often entertaining. Another possibility: the teacher writes up on the blackboard seven or eight nouns round a theme scattered in a rough circle, for example: water macaroni sugar bread yoghurt curry eggs

The students are then asked to compare any one item on the board with any other. The comparison is recorded by a line drawn by the teacher to link the two; the aim is to join each item with all the others, or with as many of them as possible. As a follow-up, for extra practice, the teacher indicates any one of the lines and asks the students to recall what the comparison was. p align="justify"> Noun Field Trip order for your scholar to really grasp the concept of common nouns, you may want to take several field trips to some of the places listed in the above box. Prior to going on the field trip, you may want to practice at home.


Take your scholar into the kitchen. While s/he is standing there, have your scholar list off what s/he sees, e. g., stove, oven, ice box, counter, mixer, clock, faucet, sink, drawers, cupboard, mugs, dishes, flatware, plates, cups, saucers, cereal, fruit, vegetables, spices, timer, salt, pepper, microwave, bread machine, (coffee) pot, towels, dishcloths, dishwasher, etc. = tub, shower, toilet, curtain, floor, ceiling, sink, cabinet, towel, soap, shampoo, toothpaste, toothbrush, perfume, deodorant, etc . = bed, closet, shoes, clothes, slacks, toys, blanket, pillow, window, floor, hanger, etc.you are sitting in the car preparing to go on your field trip, have your scholar start to identify nouns s/he sees, e. g., dashboard, handle, lock, key, windshield, (steering) wheel, radio, pedal, etc. Next, as you drive, have your scholar identify noun...

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