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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Отчеты по практике » Teacher of two languages

Реферат Teacher of two languages

Ministry of Education and Science of Republic KazakhstanBusiness Academyof Intercultural Communicationsto defenseof the chair


"Teacher of two languages ​​

Student: Tleukhanova AZ: A-12 (2): Nechetova NS



Introduction plans and feedbacks of observed lessonsLiteratureLiteratureof the worldpracticum. Lesson plans descriptions and feedbacksof extracurricular activitiesof extracurricular activitycharacteristic of a groupcharacteristic of a student and testing of students


Tleukhanova Ainash held teaching practice in Secondary school № 34 in Karaganda in the department of foreign languages. During my teaching practice was held on 24 hours of English of the pupils of the fifth and sixth grade, and in the end I spent the crediting lessons and tests.front of me had the following objectives: for practical acquaintance with the methods of teaching the language; your knowledge of students in В§ 5, 6, 7; of written work of pupils; in preparing for classes.main objectives of teaching practice:

. Learn to apply the theoretical knowledge acquired during the course "Analytical reading", "Methods of Teaching", "Education" and "Psychology". p align="justify">. Meet the Group, which was held teaching practice. p align="justify">. Study the level of knowledge of students. p align="justify">. Learn a variety of techniques and methods of teaching. p align="justify">. Establish and carry out monitoring work in the presence of a teacher to plan, discussed with the teaching practice. p align="justify">. Form a correct relationship with the students in the classroom and outside the classroom.a visit to class, I was watching the methods of teaching, which allowed me to have an idea of ​​how you want to hold classes on the analytical reading., During my studies I found psychological contact with the group, which allowed me to learn the knowledge of each student. Through this I was able to build on lessons learned in the mode appropriate for the personal characteristics of each student. During all the period of practice, there were no conflicts. They worked seamlessly, at a good pace. Checks are applied: tests, oral questioning.believe that during practice I was able to perform my assigned tasks. Some mistakes were made by me due to lack of practice as a teacher. I would like to note that the head of my practice I have consulted on all issues that arose during the training practice, which has helped me to cope with the difficulties.each lesson, students trained skills both written and spoken language., The percentage of student learning was about 90 percent.practice is an important and exciting step in the study of language. It allows you to try out your skills and opportunities to transfer knowledge to students.educational material I used materials from the Internet and materials that I gave my head. Lessons consist of explanations of the new material, mostly lexical, conversational skills development, activation of individual performance.student teaching, I spent extracurricular activities.on activities is presented below. br/>

Classes observed (passive practicum)

Non English classesanalysis of a lesson of mathematics

Date: 21.01.13topic of the lesson: "The formula of the reduced multiplication type of the lesson: generalizingkind of the lesson: classical 45 minlesson s purpose: educational, developingequipment: a board, distributing material.teacher spent a lot of time for development of the correct mathematical speech spends a lot of time. The teacher always gave to the pupils the second chance to correct their marks. Because she exactly knows pupils possibilities.Aigul exactly defined a lesson place in a theme "Formula of the reduced multiplication . At the lesson the teacher applied the optimum receptions and methods for realization of the important goals and problems. Activity of the teacher and pupils proceeds naturally and independently of complexity degree.have considered a geometrical substantiation of two formulas of the reduced multiplication and have repeated the basic algebraic identities. During the lesson Miheeva Aigul has spend various rinds of oral work: a mathematical dictation, testing, individual independent work at the black board and different writing works in the note books. Pupils developed competent mathematical speech.lesson has been passed productively and had goo...

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