d wholesale trade in materials and equipment;
Complex mechanization and automation of loading and unloading at warehouses. At the stage in progress:
Accelerating scientific progress (the introduction of progressive techniques and technologies, especially bezvidhidnoyi, rotary lines, chemicalization production);
Development of standardization, unification, typification; Improving the form of industrial production, the use of cheaper structural materials; Improving the system of economic stimulating economic usage of raw materials and energy resources;
Increase the share of products high demand. At the stage of treatment: The approach to its consumer products manufacturers;
Improving the system of payments;
Increased sales due execution of orders for direct call, early production, making products with savings of materials;
Thorough and timely selection of products shipped for parties, range, normal transit, shipment in strict accordance with concluded agreements. Improved utilization of current assets frees them. This release may be absolute and relative.release of working capital - a direct reduction in the need for working capital against the previous period and a simultaneous increase in output (sales). Relative release of working capital arises when the improved use of their enterprise with the same amount of working capital or with a slight increase in their planned increases, the volume of production. [10, sec. 79 - 80] present conditions is because inflation is most likely a relative release of working capital., Companies use these ways to improve the use of company-defense funds and current assets:
Introduction of non-waste production technologies;
Complex use of raw materials;
High-quality preparation of raw materials for production; - Improving the regulatory framework;
Support equipment in proper working order and strict observance-ing requirements of the process;
Reduce production time product (reducing production nychoho cycle);
Reducing inventory by improving organizing logistics, reduce dal Nosta their transportation;
Improvement of settlements with customers and other measures that to improve the financial and payment discipline. [10, sec. 79] of turnover and current assets under vyrobnytsva achieved mainly by reducing the production cycle. The desire to save material resources leads to the introduction of new techniques and improvement processes. Savings in the consumption of material resources promotes better use of production capacity and improve social productivity. Economic effici...