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Реферат Transfer features of newspaper texts

be made in terms of weaknesses and strengths of the analyzed translated text. By using a metaphor one would say that the translation product is like a wave: it has peaks and troughs. The ideal case would be a straight line, but it is ideal precisely because there are no absolute equivalences, that is, 1:1 inter-textual (SL-text and TL-text) equivalences. However, one should be able to determine when a peak or a trough has just gone off boundaries, ie when the translation equivalence is off the limits of the linguistically possible and textually realizable equivalence range.

3. The usage of different levels of translation in literature texts

Nowadays the usage of different levels of translation in literature texts is very important. There are five levels in translation. It means that we can translate at different levels .. Semantic similarity of Target Text with Source Text. This type of level is the most difficult type which exists in the theory of translation and translators are not always keen of using this type. So I think that we should try to avoid this type of level.example, I m very. Glad that he gave me a hand at the exam. Ол ма? Ан емтіханда до? Мектескені? Шін мен.куаништимин .. This type of level is similar to the first one. But there is less parallelism of lexical and structural units. Most of words in Source Text.do not have direct correspondences in Target Text.example, He answered the telephone when his mother called. Шешесі телефон шал? Ан кезде ол телефон т? Т? Асин до? Терді.second type of level has closer similarity of Source Text and Target Text. This type of level can be explained in terms of situational theory. This group of translation level implies retention of two types of information contain in the original purport of communication and the situation .. The third group of level is larger group and may be explained from the following example.saw a cold winter last year. Туркіяда? Ткен жили? Ис? Ті суи? болди.this case the identity of verb is different except the rest of the sentence. So Source Text is clear for the translator if he changes the method of description.third type of level contains the purport of communication, the identification of situation and method of description .. The forth type is the easiest type of level and the simplest type for the translator. But not all Source Text may contain this type of level. In such type of level the syntactic structures can be regarded as original text through direct or back word translations. This level can have complete similarity of purport of communication, identification of situation, method of description and invariant meaning of syntactic structure.example, I don't see that уоu should go further to study, because you have enough knowledge, Мені? ойимша сені? білімі? жеткілікті бол? анди? тан са? ан ари? арай про? у? ажется Емес .. ...

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