The fifth is the type of spoken language where all parts of sentences have maximum similarity of Source Text and Target Text.example, The flat was given for rent for 2 months. Yй екі ай? А тиснув? А берілді. All students go to the university in order to get knowledge. Барлах? студенттер універсітетке білім алу? шін Барадеї.
4. Aspects of Translating Process
Translating Process is very difficult and one of the major tasks in translation theory. Here we deal with the dynamic aspect of translation trying to understand how the translator performs the transfer operation from Source Text into Target Text. Psychologically the translating process must include mental processes:;;. Translator understands the content of Source Text. That is reduces the information it contains to his own mental program.he develops this program into translation. The problem is that these mental processes are not directly observable and we do not know much of what that program is and how the reduction and development operations are performed. That's why the translating process has to be described in some indirect way. The translating theory achieves this aim by number of translation models;
. A model is a conventional representation of the translating process describing mental operations by which the Source Text is translated irrespective of whether these operations are performed by the translator. Translation models can be oriented towards the situation in Source Text contents or towards the meaningful components of Source Text.example, limit-noun, Шекар-зат eciм, to limit-verb, шектеу-emicтік, limitless-adjective, шекарасиз-син есім. The existing models of translating process are based on the same assumptions which we considered in discussing the problem of equivalence namely: situational; semantic transformational. In other words it is presumed that the translator actually makes a mental travel from their original to some interlingual level of equivalence and then further to the text of translation.the situational model this intermediate level is extra linguistic. It is described reality, the facts of life that are represented by the verbal description. The translating process consists, if the translator gets beyond the original text (ST) to the actual situation. This is the first step of the process that's the break-through to the situation. The second step is to describe this situation in Target Text. Thus, the translating process goes from one language through extra linguistic situation to another language. The translator first understands what Source Text is about and then says "the same things" in Target Text.example, These days most doctors and scientists agree that our physical health is closely related to our psychological well-being,? Азіргі уа? Итта д? рігерлер мен? алимдар бізді? физикаль? дене шини? тируимиз псіхологіяли? ...