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Реферат Role plays

five countries around the world, playing in every country on the situation, the students have learned all the 25 cases At the end of the lesson to summarize evrythingNote Dialogues for are given in Appendix

At the end of the game В«TravelingВ» students were given the questionnaire. In their responses, students should note that they liked or did not like to play in the classroom. p align="justify">. Country study

An example of the game В«Country studyВ» as В«quiz showВ» in Group Presumably there were 12 students in the group at the lesson Students have already attended a course of lectures on the subject, and they have some knowledge in the field "Country".

1. Revision/consolidation of the studied material, exam preparation;

2. Increasing of the motivation of learning a foreign language. br/>

Stage 1.Equipment 2. The course of the lessonRole play 1. The playing field 2. Chips 3. Dice The game is played in a competition. Students are divided into four groups. For each team there is own version of the questions that are arranged in a "snake" but every snake goes to one finish. The presence of four different variants of questions helps to avoid a repetition of the same questions issues in other groups. Students take turn throwing dice, make the number of steps fallen on the field and answer the question of geography. If the student answered incorrectly, they returned to their original positions. The winner is the team, which will make the least mistakes, and the first pass away to the finish ..

After the lesson students were given questionnaires in which they express their opinion about the game.


Game - it is learning in action, which significantly raises the quality of education.

The game requires a full commitment from the participants and their reaction as verbal, nonverbal and means in this situation The game uses their knowledge and skills acquired during training, that is, their total stock of knowledge and skills .

The game has an element of surprise ("shock moments"), with which so many students meet in the process of real communication. During the game, as in real communication, participants must listen carefully to each other, because they do not know in advance what their partners will say, they must think quickly and respond to cues of their classmates. p align="justify"> During the game there is an emotional lift, which is extremely positive effect on the quality of education.

The game has a stable structure of didactic

Games specifically designed for language learning, contribute to a lasting memorizing individual expressions and grammatical struc...

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