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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Новые рефераты » Phrasal verbs and verb expressions. Verb expressions with "Come" and "Go"

Реферат Phrasal verbs and verb expressions. Verb expressions with "Come" and "Go"

nd above. This can be done either with sets of phrasal verbs, which are unrelated in terms of meaning and topic and which do not share the same verb, or with sets of phrasal verbs, which are connected in terms of topic. For example

· Crime - break in, get away, get away with, catch up with, bail out

· Relationships - split up, make up, make up for, get on with, ask out

· Health - come down with, come round, knock out, stitch up, pull throughphrasal verbs in this way helps our students to learn and memorize the language and allows us as teachers to fit work on phrasal verbs easily into a wider scheme of study and course syllabus. So, over and above this most of the usual rules of presenting language apply.

· Do - present the phrasal verbs in context, providing examples of the target language in reading or listening texts or example sentences.

· Don't - overload your students with too many phrasal verbs at one time. The general rule of thumb is to present a set of ten lexical items at any one time.

· Do - focus on the meaning and phonemic features of the vocabulary in the presentation stage.

· Don «t - overload your students with information about the» grammar 'of the phrasal verbs - are they separable or inseparable, transitive or intransitive, prepositional verbs or phrasal verbs using an adverb. Going into explanations regarding these features is time-consuming and confusing. Better to allow your students to engage with the language and work things out for themselves and when or if they make mistakes be ready with error-correction exercises and feedback.

· Do - provide lots of practice of the target language. Error-correction exercises are great to focus on the «grammar» of the phrasal verbs. Transformation exercises are great to focus on synonyms and help to reinforce meaning. Gap completion exercises are great to focus on dependent propositions and collocating nouns. The more practice your students do the more familiar they'll become with the vocabulary, how it is used and how it works.

· Don «t - reinforce the mistaken idea that there is something mystical or impossible about phrasal verbs. They »re just verbs like all others and there main function is to convey meaning. By telling our students that phrasal verbs are difficult or «tricky» we establish a mental block in our learners.

· Do - encourage your students to learn and extend their knowledge of phrasal verbs. Encourage them to keep a vocabulary book and to read authentic texts and extract the phrasal verbs.

Phrasal verbs are a very common feature of English, they are expressive and rich. By encouraging our students to learn and use them we will help our students to become expressive and linguistically rich - and that is the essence of what teaching is all about.

2.2 Phrasal verbs and prepositions

verb (First used in print by Logan Pearsall Sith, in Words and Idioms (1925), in which he states that the OED Editor Henry Bradley suggested the term to him), also verb phrase, compound verb , verb-adverb combination, verb-particle construction (VPC), AmE two-part word / verb and three-part word / verb.type of Verb in English ...

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