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Реферат Phrasal verbs and verb expressions. Verb expressions with "Come" and "Go"

n working out in the gym all afternoon «ve worked it out and you owe me? 75, I think trying to learn verbs from a list is boring and quite difficult. It »s better to learn them for different situations, then there« s more chance that you »ll remember them.easier is to treat them as you treat any other vocabulary you learn. Don «t think of them as a special subject that has to be learnt. They »re only words! If you find a useful phrasal verb, learn it like you would learn the word for «table» or «ashtray» or anything else.make sure you write down the structure. It «s useless to note down that turn off means apagar in Spanish if you don» t know how to use it. The absolute minimum you need to note down is turn something off, because then you'll know where the object goes.better would be to note down a couple of sentences using the verb so that you have a context to remember it in.

.1 The ways of teaching phrasal verbs

read the text and underline all the phrasal verbs, then re-write the article replacing each phrasal verb with a single-word verb.small groups write a short skit containing six phrasal verbs to act out in front of the whole class.maybe it s just the funkiness of the language itself; wolf down, potter around, chill out, sex up. Whatever it is, and no matter how geeky it might sound, I have to say that phrasal verbs - I love you! To do it - not! Are definite «do» s and don «ts» for teaching phrasal verbs. Strangely, the most widely accepted «don» t « is the most common way most textbooks actually present and practice them. Grouping phrasal verbs according to the verb in the phrase is the big »no '. Get on, get up, get over, get through, get round, get out, get by, get at, get in with, get out. Take on, take up, take through, take over, take down, take out, take in, take back, and take off. Break in, break out, break up, break off, and break through.

McCarthy, M., O Dell, F. (2004) English Phrasal Verbs in Use, CUP.

Just looking at these lists makes my eyes sore; you probably didn «t even bother to read all the phrasal verbs listed. For our students, presenting phrasal verbs grouped in this way is a learning nightmare. There »s nothing for them to mentally latch onto. All the verbs are the same so the only difference between them is a small particle, which learners from many language backgrounds find difficult anyway. Meanings are easily mixed up and the learning experience quickly becomes negative.to approach phrasal verbs in the classroom

. Phrasal verbs can be introduced at the same time as other lexical items, which are all connected to a particular theme or topic. Indeed, at beginner «s level there» s often no choice but to do it in this way. For example:

· Daily routines - wake up, get up, wash, eat breakfast, go to work

· Airport vocabulary - take off, land, check in, flight attendant, pilot, immigration

· Other vocabulary groupings such as synonyms - get over=recover, curious=inquisitive, stubborn=obstinate, break up=separatethis way phrasal verbs are presented and practiced without drawing attention to them as a separate language feature .

. Work specifically on phrasal verbs as a distinct language area is possible with students at pre-intermediate level a...

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