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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Учебные пособия » Professional sea English language

Реферат Professional sea English language

gn="justify"> PART 2. Dimensions Vocabulary and reading Practise these words orally, and then read part one of the text

Ь "Moulds - теоретичний розмір корпусу судна fa-Moulded breadth - розрахункова ширина судна $ *? Moulded depth - розрахункова глибина судна r ^ Stability - остійність ^ Beam - бімс, ширина судна, траверс

^ Clearance - кліренс, мінімальна глибина під кілем корабля $ * Embankment-1.дамба, насип 2. набережна fc * 'To allocate - розміщувати, призначати ВЈ>? Stem - форштевень, ніс ^ Те intersect - перетинати

^ Rudderstock - баллер керма, вигнута балка для передачі обертання від рульової машини до пера керма fa * Salinity - солоність ВЈ> Draft (draught) - осаду ^ Loaded draft - осаду з повним вантажем ^ Light draft - осаду в баласте5. Read the text and be ready to answer the questionsBreadthmoulded breadth is understood the horizontal distance between the insides of the moulds. In other words, it is the inside breadth (or width) of the vessel.is used to determine the vessel's cargo carrying capacity in relation to her stability.Depthmoulded depth is understood the vertical distance between the insides of the moulds (including the double bottom ). indicates the inside height of the vessel.is used to determine the vessel's cargo carrying capacity in relation to her stability.beam is understood the extreme breadth of the vessel. In restricted narrow fairways (eg the Panama Canal) the vessel's beam is an important factor to obtain a clearance to proceed.Over All (LOA). Length over all is understood the distance between the extreme fore-end and the extreme aft-end of the vessel. Before a berth along an embankment is allocated, the port authorities will have to know the total length of the ship.Between Perpendiculars (LPP) Between Perpendiculars is measured between the fore-perpendicular (LPP) and the aft-perpendicular (APP). It is used to determine the vessel's stability.Construction Waterline is the line to which the ship may be loaded in summer.fore-perpendicular is the vertical line through the point where the Construction Waterline and the stem intersect. The aft perpendicular goes through the radderstock.6. Read the ship's details and write down her descriptionQueen's Hope Container carrier yb 1999 LOA: 140.50m Beam: 27m Draft s/w: 9m Dwgt: 13300t GRT: 8700t NRT: 4820t

Exercise 7. Listen to the speaker (Computer Programme "Anglomar Study English"). Record your own voice. Replay the original and your own version


Рис.1 1. Носовий шпринг. 2 Носовий притискної кінець 3 Носовий поздовжній кінець 4 Ніс/форштевень 5.Левая носова вилиця. 6 Буксирний трос, буксировщик. 7.Право носова вилиця. 8 Бак, півбак 9 Правий бортSKETCH 1. 1 Forward springФ? Forward breast lineФ3 Head line.Ф4 Dow/stemФ5.Port bowФ6 Towing line tugФ7 Starboard bowФ8 ForecastleФ9 Starboardф10 Midships10 Мідель 11 Траверз 12.Мостік. ^ В11 AbeamфI2.6ndge13 Права кормова вилиця. 14.Носовая частину. 15 Кормова частина 1Б Найбільша довжина 17 Корми 18 Ширина 19 Назад, позаду 20 Кормовий поздовжній кінець. 21. Кормовий притискної кінець. 22 Кормовий шпринг 23 Траверз 24.Левий борт 25 Вперед попереду 26Левая кормова скула.ф13 Starboard quarterФ14 Forwardф15 Aftф1С Length overall (LOA) * 17 Stemф18 Breadthi19 Asternф20 Stem lineФ21 Aft breast lineФ2? Aft springФ23.Abeam.ф24 PortФ25 AheadФ26 Port quarter

Exercise 8. Match the words from column A with the words from column В

1. 2. 3.upper double transversea) chain b) superstructure c) bottom4anchord) bulkhead5.steennge) mast6.deckf) deck7. 8signal chaing) gear h) winch9 10.mooring afti) spring j) locker). Match the words from column A with the words from1 2 3мідель ширина найбільша длінаa) port quarter b) abeam c) starboard bow4. 5. 6 7 8 9кормовой притискної кінець d) mooring gear ліва кормова вилиця е) foremast права носова вилиця f) transverse bulkhead траверс g) length overall поперечна перебирання h) midships фок-щогла i) aft breast line10.швартовое устройствоj) breadth

Exercise 10. Give the synonyms in Russian to the following words port quarter; starboard quarter; bow stem; port bow; starboard bow11. Read the text and answer the following questions, air draft, freeboard and under keel clearancedraft is understood the distance from the bottom of the keel to the surface of the water. A distinction must be made between loaded draft and light draft, as well as salt-water draft and fresh-water draft. Due to the salinity of seawater, the draft in seawater is less than draft in fresh-water, because seawater has a higher specific gravity.air draft is underst...

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