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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Учебные пособия » Professional sea English language

Реферат Professional sea English language

able - здібний ^ Potable water - питна вода ft = "Lubricating oil - мастильні масла $ * To displace - витісняти fa Displacement - водотоннажність

$ "Light displacement - водотоннажність порожнього судна ^ Loaded displacement - повна водотоннажність Ф * Upthrust - поштовх вгору, тиск ^ Ullage - незаповнена частина обсягу fc" To expand - розширюватися, збільшуватися Р * Bale space - Кипов вантажопідйомність fy "Grain space - вантажопідйомність для зернових/насипних грузовL Read the text and be ready to answer the questionstonnage of a vessel indicates the measurement of her weight, size or capacity. A very common way o f measuring a vessel is by means of a displacement-indication. Merchant vessels are also measured by their gross tonnage or deadweight tonnage.distinguish several kinds of tonnages.Register Tonnage - the entire volume of the enclosed spaces of the vessel that can be used for cargo, stores and accommodation.Tonnage - volume that can be used to carry cargo. It is calculated by deducting the spaces that are not used for cargo from the gross tonnage. Net tonnage is often used to calculate harbour dues that must be paid to municipal port authorities for the use of all the port facilities.Tonnage - the weight of all the contents a vessel is capable of carrying when loaded to summer mark. The contents of a merchant vessel are cargo, stores, equipment, fresh water, potable water, lubricating oil and fuel.Cargo Carrying Capacity is understood the amount of cargo that a vessel is capable of carrying.displacement is understood the amount of water that is "displaced" by the body of the vessel as she is floating in the water. Displacement is indicated by the word "ton" (or "tonne")., By displacement is understood the total weight of the vessel and her contents, or the weight of the displaced water mass. br/>В 

spacesBale Space is meant the volume of the cargo holds that can be used to carry general cargo.Grain Space is understood the volume of the cargo holds that can be used to carry dry bulk cargo.Oil Space is understood 98% of the total volume of the wet bulk tanks.remaining 2% are used as ullage. This is the empty space on top of the liquid level that will prevent a tank from overflowing when the oil expands due to heat.2. Answer the following questions

What indicates ship's size or weight? What types of tonnage do you know? What are the contents of a merchant ship? What is the difference between tonnage and displacement? What is the difference between Net Tonnage and Cargo Space? What types of Cargo Spaces do you know? 1. How can you indicate Oil Space?

Exercise 3. Correct the mistakes and give right definitions

. By displacement is understood the total height of the vessel and her masts, or the weight of the displaced potable water mass. ol> The tonnage of a vessel indicates the measurement of her height, length or manning. Oil space is the empty space on top of the liquid level that will prevent a tank from overheating. Net Tonnage is calculated by adding the spaces that are used for cargo to the gross tonnage.

Exercise 4. Match the expressions with the explanations

Expressions Explanations

Gross Register tonnage a) is the entire volume of all the enclosed spaces Deadweight Tonnage b) is equal to the weight of the displaced mass of water Ullage c) is the total weight of the cargo that can be carried 4 Grain Space d) is the empty space on top of a liquid Oil Space e) is 98% of the volume of the tanks Cargo Carrying Capacity f) is the volume of the spaces used to carry general cargo Displacement f) is used to calculate how much harbour dues must be paid Net Tonnage g) is the volume of the spaces used to carry dry bulk cargo Bale Space h) is the weight of cargo, stores, oils and waters

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