htCourEdit.Text); Weight <= 0 then ('Wrong weight', Left + Width div 2-50, top + Height div
unit EditZakUnit;, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,, StdCtrls, GlobalTypes, Grids; = class (TForm): TGroupBox;: TLabel;: TLabel;: TLabel; : TLabel;: TLabel;: TLabel;: TEdit;: TEdit;: TEdit;: TEdit;: TEdit;: TEdit;: TButton;: TEdit;: TEdit; FormActivate (Sender: TObject); FormCreate (Sender: TObject); ChangeZakButtonClick (Sender: TObject);
{Private declarations}
{Public declarations};: TChangeZakForm;: boolean;
{$ R *. dfm} TChangeZakForm.FormCreate (Sender: TObject);: = false;; TChangeZakForm.FormActivate (Sender: then ('Wrong name', Left + Width div 2-50, top + Height div 2-50);;;: = AdrChangeZakEdit.Text; adress ='' then ('Wrong adress', Left + Width div 2-50 , top + Height div 2-50);;;: = StrToInt (ChangeOtHourEdit.Text); (OtHour <0) or (OtHour> 23) thenException.Create ('error with hour');; (' ГЋГёГЁГЎГЄГ Гў ïîëå Г— Г Г±Г» äëÿ ГГ Г· à ëà < span align = "justify"> âðåìåГГЁ äîñòà âêè ', Left + Width div 2-50, top + Height div 2-50);;;: = StrToInt (ChangeOtMinuteEdit.Text); (OtMinute <0) or (OtMinute> 59) thenException.Create ('error with minute');; (' ГЋГёГЁГЎГЄГ Гў ïîëå ГЊГЁГГіГІГ» äëÿ ГГ Г· à ëà âðåìåГГЁ äîñòà âêè ', Left + Width div 2-50, top + Height div 2-50);;;: = StrToInt (ChangeDoHourEdit.Text); (DoHour <0) or (DoHour> 23) thenException.Create (' error with Hour ');; (' ГЋГёГЁГЎГЄГ Гў < span align = "justify"> ïîëå Г— Г Г±Г» äëÿ