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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Новые рефераты » Banking system and its development in the period of transition to the market

Реферат Banking system and its development in the period of transition to the market

utflow of the bank «s management has the ability to affect me of their size.transnational (joint) Banks (SB) use the« don t Thing » (Netting), which is expressed with the maximum number of abbreviations in foreign exchange transactions and by their enlargement. For this purpose, the coordination of all departments of banking institutions should be of a high standard (system «7C» social Hoc concept Marketi n ha) »'.1986, ten large SAT London organized by« Foreksnet » for netting, reducing the number of conversion tion operations and a reduction in foreign exchange risks and transaction costs. Accordingly, when such centralizes tion and currency risk hour partially removed from the branches and specific units and transferred to a central unit relates ;) translational (accounting) risks that arise when n ke overestimate assets and liabilities balances and account «Gains and losses» and profiles of foreign fishing clients, contractors. These pics of ki turn depend on the choice of currency conversion, its stable variability and other factors. Recalculation can be carried in lyat smiling method of translation (at the current rate on the date of conversion) or east of trigonometric method (as at the date of the con crete operation). Some of rye banks account for all current operations at the current rate, and long-term - for historical mu, others analyze the level of risk of financial operations at the current rate, and the other - the historic and still others choose one of the two accounting methods and use it to control the totality of their risky op e radios.) risks forfeiting that arise when forfeter (they often I wish to set up a bank) assumes all risks exporter without recourse. But at the same time forfeiting (method refi nancing commercial risk) has its advantages, with the help of which may be reduced at the level of risk in order n:

* Simplify the balance of relationships possible obligations ments;

* Improvement (at least temporarily) liquidity, which gives OPPORTUNITIES w completely to further strengthen financial stability STI,

* Reduce the probability and possibility of losses by insurance of at z sible difficulties that almost inevitably arise in the period are charged e of previously insured requires O considered;

* Reduction or even absence of the risks associated with fluctuations in interest rates;

* A sharp decline in the level of risk associated with exchange rate fluctuations tions in a lute and changed e tion of financial stability of the debtor;

* Lack of risks and costs associated with the activities of the credit for bodies collecting money for bills and other payment documents nym n there., of course, forfeiting can not be used at all times and de ve s. This is one of the ways to reduce risks.CBR regularly publishes the so-called «currency basket»- A method of measuring the weighted average exchange rate of the ruble against a specific set of other currencies.finally, the external risks include the risk of natural disasters tions or as it is called force majeure (Roy), which depends on the presence or absence of natural phenomena of nature and related after d consequence, and from all sorts og straints with hand gosudars t wa.riskrisks depend on the type and specificity of the bank, the nature of its activity, s capacity (opera us) and the compositi...

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