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Реферат Banking system and its development in the period of transition to the market

on of its partners (clients and counterparties n cent). associated with the bank's vieware three types of commercial banks Cove - special purpose district ITATION, industry and universal. In each of them there are all kinds of pu with Cove, but the probability of their frequency originated emergence and specificity depend on the type of himself on the banking institution.of universal banks also uni versal. They are engaged in virtually all types of banking services (credit, settlement and financial s E). Moreover, in the village of glaciers time universal commercial banks are increasingly carried mented unconventional operations, such as operations with various governmental types of securities, leasing, factoring, clearing etcmercial banks targeting the de yours elf to provide basically any specific con meadow, ie have clear cuttings and fluoropyridinium commodity orientation. For example, innovation, investment, ss at dosberegatelnye, mortgage, deposit, clearing and other banks. Other banks specialized ed on the maintenance of certain categories of customers from sectoral (agricultural, industrial, construction) or to national func (exchange, insurance, trust, cooperative ITATION, utilities) and the characters straight.finally, there is a market and orient tion activities spe cialised commercial banks, ie they may be regional tional, interregional, transnatsional s governmental.and type of internal risks faced again personal types of commercial banks, mainly depend on the specific activity of their matches on the STI.specialized commercial banks, such as innovation onnyh dominate the risks associated with lending to new tech nologies. According to the results of the sampling pe sa statistical analysis is my biggest risk I is commissioning technological innovations without qualified pre d provisional assessment of its potential real effective. The reasons for the increased risk of m Gut be:

* Use the new technology started prematurely, even before production costs are aligned with the actual level Ryno h ??relative prices;

* Products released before the buyer is willing to pay for novshes wa t, ie volume of potential demand is insufficient to justify the Difficult and you., the real s tion demand even lower;

* The number of suppliers and intermediaries involved with the prospect of growth in demand, redundant for a particular market (a market segment, windows, niches), which leads to higher specific banking tons of Vara., many investment banks have, for example, a lower level of portfolio risk, as they have impact opportunity to offer their customers a variety of services for management claimed credit portfolios of securities. Thus, they get fixed incomes. In order to reduce such risks not only the banks but also their well-meaning and intended audience contact should conduct active marketing efforts to identify actual and potential market capacity and ka real potency and Alno and demand for a particular product of the bank (ie, certain banking cond in gu) '. branch banks the most important value for the level of risk are of the form and specific industry-specific (old or new, first prospective, strategic, etc.). of universal banks exposed to risks of both types, and the one to the same combinations thereof and tions.related to the nature of banking operationson the nature of banking risks may be associated with specific balance sheet or off-ba...

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